Commit 11a6e0fe authored by's avatar

Bug 285153: editusers.cgi cleanliness re-do - Patch by Marc Schumann…

Bug 285153: editusers.cgi cleanliness re-do - Patch by Marc Schumann <> r=LpSolit a=justdave
parent 666d1f4b
......@@ -81,57 +81,68 @@ if ($action eq 'search') {
'FROM profiles';
my @bindValues;
my $nextCondition;
my $visibleGroups;
if (Param('usevisibilitygroups')) {
# Show only users in visible groups.
my $visibleGroups = visibleGroupsAsString();
$query .= qq{, user_group_map AS ugm
WHERE ugm.user_id = profiles.userid
AND ugm.isbless = 0
AND ugm.group_id IN ($visibleGroups)
$nextCondition = 'AND';
$visibleGroups = visibleGroupsAsString();
if ($visibleGroups) {
$query .= qq{, user_group_map AS ugm
WHERE ugm.user_id = profiles.userid
AND ugm.isbless = 0
AND ugm.group_id IN ($visibleGroups)
$nextCondition = 'AND';
} else {
$visibleGroups = 1;
if ($grouprestrict eq '1') {
$query .= ', user_group_map AS ugm';
$nextCondition = 'WHERE';
# Selection by user name.
if (defined($matchtype)) {
$query .= " $nextCondition profiles.login_name ";
if ($matchtype eq 'regexp') {
$query .= $dbh->sql_regexp . ' ?';
$matchstr = '.' unless $matchstr;
} elsif ($matchtype eq 'notregexp') {
$query .= $dbh->sql_not_regexp . ' ?';
$matchstr = '.' unless $matchstr;
} else { # substr or unknown
$query .= 'like ?';
$matchstr = "%$matchstr%";
$nextCondition = 'AND';
# We can trick_taint because we use the value in a SELECT only, using
# a placeholder.
push(@bindValues, $matchstr);
if (!$visibleGroups) {
$vars->{'users'} = {};
else {
# Handle selection by user name.
if (defined($matchtype)) {
$query .= " $nextCondition profiles.login_name ";
if ($matchtype eq 'regexp') {
$query .= $dbh->sql_regexp . ' ?';
$matchstr = '.' unless $matchstr;
} elsif ($matchtype eq 'notregexp') {
$query .= $dbh->sql_not_regexp . ' ?';
$matchstr = '.' unless $matchstr;
} else { # substr or unknown
$query .= 'like ?';
$matchstr = "%$matchstr%";
$nextCondition = 'AND';
# We can trick_taint because we use the value in a SELECT only,
# using a placeholder.
push(@bindValues, $matchstr);
# Selection by group.
if ($grouprestrict eq '1') {
$query .= " $nextCondition profiles.userid = ugm.user_id " .
'AND ugm.group_id = ?';
# We can trick_taint because we use the value in a SELECT only, using
# a placeholder.
push(@bindValues, $groupid);
# Handle selection by group.
if ($grouprestrict eq '1') {
$query .= " $nextCondition profiles.userid = ugm.user_id " .
'AND ugm.group_id = ?';
# We can trick_taint because we use the value in a SELECT only,
# using a placeholder.
push(@bindValues, $groupid);
$query .= ' ORDER BY profiles.login_name';
$vars->{'users'} = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($query,
{'Slice' => {}},
$query .= ' ORDER BY profiles.login_name';
$vars->{'users'} = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($query,
{'Slice' => {}},
$template->process('admin/users/list.html.tmpl', $vars)
|| ThrowTemplateError($template->error());
......@@ -591,7 +602,7 @@ sub mirrorListSelectionValues {
# Give a list of IDs of groups the user can see.
sub visibleGroupsAsString {
return join(', ', -1, @{$user->visible_groups_direct()});
return join(', ', @{$user->visible_groups_direct()});
# Give a list of IDs of groups the user may bless.
......@@ -623,7 +634,8 @@ sub groupsUserMayBless {
# If visibilitygroups are used, restrict the set of groups.
if (Param('usevisibilitygroups')) {
my $visibleGroups = visibleGroupsAsString();
# Users need to see a group in order to bless it.
my $visibleGroups = visibleGroupsAsString() || return {};
$query .= " $connector id in ($visibleGroups)";
......@@ -638,7 +650,9 @@ sub canSeeUser {
my $query;
if (Param('usevisibilitygroups')) {
my $visibleGroups = visibleGroupsAsString();
# If the user can see no groups, then no users are visible either.
my $visibleGroups = visibleGroupsAsString() || return 0;
$query = qq{SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT userid)
FROM profiles, user_group_map
WHERE userid = ?
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