Commit 2181b142 authored by's avatar

Patch by Christine Begle <>>, with heavy

modifications by me -- let you query for "any words" and "all words", as well as the existing substring and regexp stuff.
parent 91f9bc0f
......@@ -475,13 +475,36 @@ if (defined $ref && 0 < @$ref) {
sub GetByWordList {
my ($field, $strs, $verb) = (@_);
my @list;
foreach my $w (split(/[\s,]+/, $strs)) {
my $word = $w;
if ($word ne "") {
$word =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
$word = SqlQuote(quotemeta($word));
$word =~ s/^'//;
$word =~ s/'$//;
$word = '(^|[^a-z0-9])' . $word . '($|[^a-z0-9])';
push(@list, "lower($field) regexp '$word'");
if (0 == @list) {
return "";
return "and (" . join(" $verb ", @list) . ")\n";
foreach my $f ("short_desc", "long_desc", "bug_file_loc",
"status_whiteboard") {
if (defined $::FORM{$f}) {
my $s = trim($::FORM{$f});
if ($s ne "") {
my $n = $f;
$s = SqlQuote($s);
my $q = SqlQuote($s);
my $type = $::FORM{$f . "_type"};
if ($f eq "long_desc") {
# Patch in the longdescs table.
......@@ -490,13 +513,17 @@ foreach my $f ("short_desc", "long_desc", "bug_file_loc",
$n = "longdescs.thetext";
if ($type eq "regexp") {
$query .= "and $n regexp $s\n";
$query .= "and $n regexp $q\n";
} elsif ($type eq "notregexp") {
$query .= "and $n not regexp $s\n";
$query .= "and $n not regexp $q\n";
} elsif ($type eq "casesubstring") {
$query .= "and instr($n, $s)\n";
$query .= "and instr($n, $q)\n";
} elsif ($type eq "allwords") {
$query .= GetByWordList($f, $s, "and");
} elsif ($type eq "anywords") {
$query .= GetByWordList($f, $s, "or");
} else {
$query .= "and instr(lower($n), lower($s))\n";
$query .= "and instr(lower($n), lower($q))\n";
......@@ -511,6 +511,8 @@ sub StringSearch {
foreach my $i (["substring", "case-insensitive substring"],
["casesubstring", "case-sensitive substring"],
["allwords", "all words"],
["anywords", "any words"],
["regexp", "regular expression"],
["notregexp", "not ( regular expression )"]) {
my ($n, $d) = (@$i);
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