Commit 429534ee authored by Frédéric Buclin's avatar Frédéric Buclin

Bug 683644: Foreign keys aren't renamed correctly when DB tables are renamed

r=wicked a=LpSolit
parent e647ec07
......@@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ sub bz_setup_foreign_keys {
# prior to 4.2, and also to handle problems caused
# by enabling an extension pre-4.2, disabling it for
# the 4.2 upgrade, and then re-enabling it later.
if (!$fk) {
unless ($fk && $fk->{created}) {
my $standard_def =
$self->_bz_schema->get_column_abstract($table, $column);
if (exists $standard_def->{REFERENCES}) {
......@@ -1058,6 +1058,18 @@ sub bz_rename_table {
my $new = $self->bz_table_info($new_name);
ThrowCodeError('db_rename_conflict', { old => $old_name,
new => $new_name }) if $new;
# FKs will all have the wrong names unless we drop and then let them
# be re-created later. Under normal circumstances, will
# automatically re-create these dropped FKs at the end of its DB upgrade
# run, so we don't need to re-create them in this method.
my @columns = $self->bz_table_columns($old_name);
foreach my $column (@columns) {
# these just return silently if there's no FK to drop
$self->bz_drop_fk($old_name, $column);
$self->bz_drop_related_fks($old_name, $column);
my @sql = $self->_bz_real_schema->get_rename_table_sql($old_name, $new_name);
print get_text('install_table_rename',
{ old => $old_name, new => $new_name }) . "\n"
......@@ -638,6 +638,10 @@ sub bz_setup_database {
my $fk_name = $self->_bz_schema->_get_fk_name($table,
# bz_rename_table didn't rename the trigger correctly.
if ($table eq 'bug_tag' && $to_table eq 'tags') {
$to_table = 'tag';
if ( $update =~ /CASCADE/i ){
my $trigger_name = uc($fk_name . "_UC");
my $exist_trigger = $self->selectcol_arrayref(
......@@ -282,14 +282,18 @@ END
$self->bz_add_index('products', 'products_name_lower_idx',
{FIELDS => ['LOWER(name)'], TYPE => 'UNIQUE'});
# bz_rename_column didn't correctly rename the sequence.
if ($self->bz_column_info('fielddefs', 'id')
&& $self->bz_sequence_exists('fielddefs_fieldid_seq'))
print "Fixing fielddefs_fieldid_seq sequence...\n";
$self->do("ALTER TABLE fielddefs_fieldid_seq RENAME TO fielddefs_id_seq");
$self->do("ALTER TABLE fielddefs ALTER COLUMN id
SET DEFAULT NEXTVAL('fielddefs_id_seq')");
# bz_rename_column and bz_rename_table didn't correctly rename
# the sequence.
$self->_fix_bad_sequence('fielddefs', 'id', 'fielddefs_fieldid_seq', 'fielddefs_id_seq');
# If the 'tags' table still exists, then bz_rename_table()
# will fix the sequence for us.
if (!$self->bz_table_info('tags')) {
my $res = $self->_fix_bad_sequence('tag', 'id', 'tags_id_seq', 'tag_id_seq');
# If $res is true, then the sequence has been renamed, meaning that
# the primary key must be renamed too.
if ($res) {
$self->do('ALTER INDEX tags_pkey RENAME TO tag_pkey');
# Certain sequences got upgraded before we required Pg 8.3, and
......@@ -320,6 +324,20 @@ END
sub _fix_bad_sequence {
my ($self, $table, $column, $old_seq, $new_seq) = @_;
if ($self->bz_column_info($table, $column)
&& $self->bz_sequence_exists($old_seq))
print "Fixing $old_seq sequence...\n";
$self->do("ALTER SEQUENCE $old_seq RENAME TO $new_seq");
$self->do("ALTER TABLE $table ALTER COLUMN $column
SET DEFAULT NEXTVAL('$new_seq')");
return 1;
return 0;
# Renames things that differ only in case.
sub _fix_case_differences {
my ($table, $field) = @_;
......@@ -351,17 +351,10 @@ sub get_rename_column_ddl {
my $def = $self->get_column_abstract($table, $old_name);
if ($def->{TYPE} =~ /SERIAL/i) {
# We have to rename the series also, and fix the default of the series.
push(@sql, "RENAME ${table}_${old_name}_SEQ TO
my $serial_sql =
"CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER ${table}_${new_name}_TR "
. " BEFORE INSERT ON ${table} "
. " BEGIN "
. " SELECT ${table}_${new_name}_SEQ.NEXTVAL "
. " INTO :NEW.${new_name} FROM DUAL; "
. " END;";
push(@sql, $serial_sql);
my $old_seq = "${table}_${old_name}_SEQ";
my $new_seq = "${table}_${new_name}_SEQ";
push(@sql, "RENAME $old_seq TO $new_seq");
push(@sql, $self->_get_create_trigger_ddl($table, $new_name, $new_seq));
push(@sql, "DROP TRIGGER ${table}_${old_name}_TR");
if ($def->{TYPE} =~ /varchar|text/i && $def->{NOTNULL} ) {
......@@ -371,6 +364,35 @@ sub get_rename_column_ddl {
return @sql;
sub get_rename_table_sql {
my ($self, $old_name, $new_name) = @_;
if (lc($old_name) eq lc($new_name)) {
# if the only change is a case change, return an empty list.
return ();
my @sql = ("ALTER TABLE $old_name RENAME TO $new_name");
my @columns = $self->get_table_columns($old_name);
foreach my $column (@columns) {
my $def = $self->get_column_abstract($old_name, $column);
if ($def->{TYPE} =~ /SERIAL/i) {
# If there's a SERIAL column on this table, we also need
# to rename the sequence.
my $old_seq = "${old_name}_${column}_SEQ";
my $new_seq = "${new_name}_${column}_SEQ";
push(@sql, "RENAME $old_seq TO $new_seq");
push(@sql, $self->_get_create_trigger_ddl($new_name, $column, $new_seq));
push(@sql, "DROP TRIGGER ${old_name}_${column}_TR");
if ($def->{TYPE} =~ /varchar|text/i && $def->{NOTNULL}) {
push(@sql, _get_notnull_trigger_ddl($new_name, $column));
push(@sql, "DROP TRIGGER ${$old_name}_${column}");
return @sql;
sub _get_notnull_trigger_ddl {
my ($table, $column) = @_;
......@@ -398,19 +420,24 @@ sub _get_create_seq_ddl {
my $serial_sql = "CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER ${table}_${column}_TR "
. " BEFORE INSERT ON ${table} "
. " BEGIN "
. " SELECT ${seq_name}.NEXTVAL "
. " INTO :NEW.${column} FROM DUAL; "
. " END;";
push (@ddl, $seq_sql);
push (@ddl, $serial_sql);
push(@ddl, $self->_get_create_trigger_ddl($table, $column, $seq_name));
return @ddl;
sub _get_create_trigger_ddl {
my ($self, $table, $column, $seq_name) = @_;
my $serial_sql = "CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER ${table}_${column}_TR "
. " BEFORE INSERT ON $table "
. " BEGIN "
. " SELECT ${seq_name}.NEXTVAL "
. " INTO :NEW.$column FROM DUAL; "
. " END;";
return $serial_sql;
sub get_set_serial_sql {
my ($self, $table, $column, $value) = @_;
my @sql;
......@@ -114,7 +114,30 @@ sub get_rename_table_sql {
# is case-insensitive and will return an error about a duplicate name
return ();
return ("ALTER TABLE $old_name RENAME TO $new_name");
my @sql = ("ALTER TABLE $old_name RENAME TO $new_name");
# If there's a SERIAL column on this table, we also need to rename the
# sequence.
# If there is a PRIMARY KEY, we need to rename it too.
my @columns = $self->get_table_columns($old_name);
foreach my $column (@columns) {
my $def = $self->get_column_abstract($old_name, $column);
if ($def->{TYPE} =~ /SERIAL/i) {
my $old_seq = "${old_name}_${column}_seq";
my $new_seq = "${new_name}_${column}_seq";
push(@sql, "ALTER SEQUENCE $old_seq RENAME TO $new_seq");
push(@sql, "ALTER TABLE $new_name ALTER COLUMN $column
SET DEFAULT NEXTVAL('$new_seq')");
if ($def->{PRIMARYKEY}) {
my $old_pk = "${old_name}_pkey";
my $new_pk = "${new_name}_pkey";
push(@sql, "ALTER INDEX $old_pk RENAME to $new_pk");
return @sql;
sub get_set_serial_sql {
......@@ -3611,6 +3611,13 @@ sub _rename_tags_to_tag {
$dbh->bz_add_index('tag', 'tag_user_id_idx',
{FIELDS => [qw(user_id name)], TYPE => 'UNIQUE'});
if (my $bug_tag_fk = $dbh->bz_fk_info('bug_tag', 'tag_id')) {
# bz_rename_table() didn't handle FKs correctly.
if ($bug_tag_fk->{TABLE} eq 'tags') {
$bug_tag_fk->{TABLE} = 'tag';
$dbh->bz_alter_fk('bug_tag', 'tag_id', $bug_tag_fk);
sub _on_delete_set_null_for_audit_log_userid {
......@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ the database, and that file has been renamed to ##data##/comments.bak
You may delete the renamed file once you have confirmed that all your
quips were moved successfully.
update_queries_to_tags => "Populating the new tags table:",
update_queries_to_tags => "Populating the new 'tag' table:",
webdot_bad_htaccess => <<END,
WARNING: Dependency graph images are not accessible.
Delete ##dir##/.htaccess and re-run
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