Commit 5c395c38 authored by's avatar

If bugs with an invalid product/component are found, provide a link to bring up…

If bugs with an invalid product/component are found, provide a link to bring up the list of invalid bugs.
parent 9f48b25d
......@@ -227,7 +227,9 @@ foreach my $ref (@checklist) {
my ($product, $component) = (@$ref);
SendSQL("select count(*) from components where program = " . SqlQuote($product) . " and value = " . SqlQuote($component));
if (FetchOneColumn() != 1) {
Alert("Bug(s) found with invalid product/component: $product/$component");
my $link = "buglist.cgi?product=" . url_quote($product) .
"&component=" . url_quote($component);
Alert(qq{Bug(s) found with invalid product/component: $product/$component (<a href="$link">bug list</a>)});
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