Commit 8195ad15 authored by Sunil Joshi's avatar Sunil Joshi Committed by Dave Lawrence

Bug 286374 - Platform and OS lose their hyperlinks (in create) when viewing

r=dkl, a=LpSolit
parent e594191f
......@@ -260,20 +260,20 @@
<th class="field_label">
<label for="version">Version</label>:
[% INCLUDE "bug/field-label.html.tmpl"
field = bug_fields.version editable = 1 %]
[% PROCESS select selname => "version" %]
[%# PLATFORM #%]
<th class="field_label">
<label for="rep_platform" accesskey="h">
[% field_descs.rep_platform FILTER html %]</label>:
[% INCLUDE "bug/field-label.html.tmpl"
field = bug_fields.
rep_platform editable = 1
accesskey = "h"
<td class="field_value">
[% INCLUDE bug/field.html.tmpl
bug = bug, field = bug_fields.rep_platform,
......@@ -413,9 +413,11 @@
[% IF Param('useqacontact') %]
<th class="field_label">
<label for="qa_contact" accesskey="q"><u>Q</u>A Contact</label>:
[% INCLUDE "bug/field-label.html.tmpl"
field = bug_fields.qa_contact
editable = 1
accesskey = "q"
[% IF bug.check_can_change_field("qa_contact", 0, 1) %]
<div id="bz_qa_contact_edit_container" class="bz_default_hidden">
......@@ -513,9 +515,11 @@
[% IF Param('usestatuswhiteboard') %]
<th class="field_label">
<label for="status_whiteboard" accesskey="w"><u>W</u>hiteboard</label>:
[% INCLUDE "bug/field-label.html.tmpl"
field = bug_fields.status_whiteboard
editable = 1
accesskey = "w"
[% PROCESS input inputname => "status_whiteboard" size => "40" colspan => 2 %]
[% END %]
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