Commit 8705d693 authored by's avatar

Bug 372700: Make Bugzilla::Bug do bug updating for moving in process_bug.cgi

Patch By Max Kanat-Alexander <> r=LpSolit, a=LpSolit
parent 839d66da
......@@ -140,7 +140,16 @@ sub VALIDATORS {
return $validators;
use constant UPDATE_COLUMNS => qw();
use constant UPDATE_VALIDATORS => {
bug_status => \&_check_bug_status,
resolution => \&_check_resolution,
use constant UPDATE_COLUMNS => qw(
# This is used by add_comment to know what we validate before putting in
# the DB.
......@@ -363,7 +372,7 @@ sub run_create_validators {
delete $params->{product};
($params->{bug_status}, $params->{everconfirmed})
= $class->_check_bug_status($product, $params->{bug_status});
= $class->_check_bug_status($params->{bug_status}, $product);
$params->{target_milestone} = $class->_check_target_milestone($product,
......@@ -412,13 +421,15 @@ sub run_create_validators {
sub update {
my $self = shift;
my $changes = $self->SUPER::update(@_);
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
# XXX This is just a temporary hack until all updating happens
# inside this function.
my $delta_ts = shift;
my $delta_ts = shift || $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT NOW()");
$self->{delta_ts} = $delta_ts;
my $changes = $self->SUPER::update(@_);
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
foreach my $comment (@{$self->{added_comments} || []}) {
my $columns = join(',', keys %$comment);
my @values = values %$comment;
......@@ -428,6 +439,25 @@ sub update {
$self->bug_id, Bugzilla->user->id, $delta_ts, @values);
# Log bugs_activity items
# XXX Eventually, when bugs_activity is able to track the dupe_id,
# this code should go below the duplicates-table-updating code below.
foreach my $field (keys %$changes) {
my $change = $changes->{$field};
LogActivityEntry($self->id, $field, $change->[0], $change->[1],
Bugzilla->user->id, $delta_ts);
# If this bug is no longer a duplicate, it no longer belongs in the
# dup table.
if (exists $changes->{'resolution'}
&& $changes->{'resolution'}->[0] eq 'DUPLICATE')
my $dup_id = $self->dup_id;
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM duplicates WHERE dupe = ?", undef, $self->id);
$changes->{'dupe_of'} = [$dup_id, undef];
return $changes;
......@@ -547,30 +577,43 @@ sub _check_bug_severity {
sub _check_bug_status {
my ($invocant, $product, $status) = @_;
my ($invocant, $status, $product) = @_;
my $user = Bugzilla->user;
my @valid_statuses = VALID_ENTRY_STATUS;
if ($user->in_group('editbugs', $product->id)
|| $user->in_group('canconfirm', $product->id)) {
# Default to NEW if the user with privs hasn't selected another status.
$status ||= 'NEW';
elsif (!$product->votes_to_confirm) {
# Without privs, products that don't support UNCONFIRMED default to
# NEW.
$status = 'NEW';
my %valid_statuses;
if (ref $invocant) {
$invocant->{'prod_obj'} ||=
new Bugzilla::Product({name => $invocant->product});
$product = $invocant->{'prod_obj'};
my $field = new Bugzilla::Field({ name => 'bug_status' });
%valid_statuses = map { $_ => 1 } @{$field->legal_values};
else {
$status = 'UNCONFIRMED';
%valid_statuses = map { $_ => 1 } VALID_ENTRY_STATUS;
if ($user->in_group('editbugs', $product->id)
|| $user->in_group('canconfirm', $product->id)) {
# Default to NEW if the user with privs hasn't selected another
# status.
$status ||= 'NEW';
elsif (!$product->votes_to_confirm) {
# Without privs, products that don't support UNCONFIRMED default
# to NEW.
$status = 'NEW';
else {
$status = 'UNCONFIRMED';
# UNCONFIRMED becomes an invalid status if votes_to_confirm is 0,
# even if you are in editbugs.
shift @valid_statuses if !$product->votes_to_confirm;
delete $valid_statuses{'UNCONFIRMED'} if !$product->votes_to_confirm;
check_field('bug_status', $status, \@valid_statuses);
check_field('bug_status', $status, [keys %valid_statuses]);
return $status if ref $invocant;
return ($status, $status eq 'UNCONFIRMED' ? 0 : 1);
......@@ -794,6 +837,13 @@ sub _check_rep_platform {
return $platform;
sub _check_resolution {
my ($invocant, $resolution) = @_;
$resolution = trim($resolution);
check_field('resolution', $resolution);
return $resolution;
sub _check_short_desc {
my ($invocant, $short_desc) = @_;
# Set the parameter to itself, but cleaned up
......@@ -930,6 +980,24 @@ sub fields {
# Mutators
# "Set" Methods #
sub _set_everconfirmed { $_[0]->set('everconfirmed', $_[1]); }
sub set_resolution { $_[0]->set('resolution', $_[1]); }
sub set_status {
my ($self, $status) = @_;
$self->set('bug_status', $status);
# Check for the everconfirmed transition
$self->_set_everconfirmed(1) if ($status eq 'NEW'
|| $status eq 'ASSIGNED');
# "Add/Remove" Methods #
# $bug->add_comment("comment", {isprivate => 1, work_time => 10.5,
# type => CMT_NORMAL, extra_data => $data});
sub add_comment {
......@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ use constant NAME_FIELD => 'name';
use constant ID_FIELD => 'id';
use constant LIST_ORDER => NAME_FIELD;
use constant UPDATE_VALIDATORS => {};
#### Initialization ####
......@@ -136,8 +138,8 @@ sub new_from_list {
#### Accessors ######
sub id { return $_[0]->{'id'}; }
sub name { return $_[0]->{'name'}; }
sub id { return $_[0]->{$_[0]->ID_FIELD}; }
sub name { return $_[0]->{$_[0]->NAME_FIELD}; }
#### Methods ####
......@@ -153,9 +155,9 @@ sub set {
superclass => __PACKAGE__,
function => 'Bugzilla::Object->set' });
my $validators = $self->VALIDATORS;
if (exists $validators->{$field}) {
my $validator = $validators->{$field};
my %validators = (%{$self->VALIDATORS}, %{$self->UPDATE_VALIDATORS});
if (exists $validators{$field}) {
my $validator = $validators{$field};
$value = $self->$validator($value, $field);
......@@ -374,6 +376,14 @@ These functions should call L<Bugzilla::Error/ThrowUserError> if they fail.
The validator must return the validated value.
This is just like L</VALIDATORS>, but these validators are called only
when updating an object, not when creating it. Any validator that appears
here must not appear in L</VALIDATORS>.
L<Bugzilla::Bug> has good examples in its code of when to use this.
A list of columns to update when L</update> is called.
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ use constant DB_TABLE => 'profiles';
# Bugzilla::User used "name" for the realname field. This should be
# fixed one day.
use constant DB_COLUMNS => (
'profiles.userid AS id',
'profiles.mybugslink AS showmybugslink',
......@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ sub groups {
AND user_id=?
AND isbless=0},
{ Columns=>[1,2] },
# The above gives us an arrayref [name, id, name, id, ...]
# Convert that into a hashref
......@@ -563,7 +563,7 @@ sub can_edit_product {
my ($self, $prod_id) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $sth = $self->{sthCanEditProductId};
my $userid = $self->{id};
my $userid = $self->id;
my $query = q{SELECT group_id FROM group_control_map
WHERE product_id =?
AND canedit != 0 };
......@@ -583,7 +583,7 @@ sub can_see_bug {
my ($self, $bugid) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $sth = $self->{sthCanSeeBug};
my $userid = $self->{id};
my $userid = $self->id;
# Get fields from bug, presence of user on cclist, and determine if
# the user is missing any groups required by the bug. The prepared query
# is cached because this may be called for every row in buglists or
......@@ -554,52 +554,26 @@ if ($action eq Bugzilla->params->{'move-button-text'}) {
$user->is_mover || ThrowUserError("auth_failure", {action => 'move',
object => 'bugs'});
# Moved bugs are marked as RESOLVED MOVED.
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE bugs
SET bug_status = 'RESOLVED',
resolution = 'MOVED',
delta_ts = ?
WHERE bug_id = ?");
# Bugs cannot be a dupe and moved at the same time.
my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare("DELETE FROM duplicates WHERE dupe = ?");
my $comment = "";
if (defined $cgi->param('comment') && $cgi->param('comment') !~ /^\s*$/) {
$comment = $cgi->param('comment');
$dbh->bz_lock_tables('bugs WRITE', 'bugs_activity WRITE', 'duplicates WRITE',
'longdescs WRITE', 'profiles READ', 'groups READ',
'bug_group_map READ', 'group_group_map READ',
'user_group_map READ', 'classifications READ',
'products READ', 'components READ', 'votes READ',
'cc READ', 'fielddefs READ');
'cc READ', 'fielddefs READ', 'bug_status READ',
'resolution READ');
my $timestamp = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT NOW()");
my @bugs;
# First update all moved bugs.
foreach my $id (@idlist) {
my $bug = new Bugzilla::Bug($id);
push(@bugs, $bug);
$bug->add_comment($comment, { type => CMT_MOVED_TO,
extra_data => $user->login });
$bug->add_comment(scalar $cgi->param('comment'),
{ type => CMT_MOVED_TO, extra_data => $user->login });
foreach my $bug (@bugs) {
my $id = $bug->bug_id;
$sth->execute($timestamp, $id);
if ($bug->bug_status ne 'RESOLVED') {
LogActivityEntry($id, 'bug_status', $bug->bug_status,
'RESOLVED', $whoid, $timestamp);
if ($bug->resolution ne 'MOVED') {
LogActivityEntry($id, 'resolution', $bug->resolution,
'MOVED', $whoid, $timestamp);
$_->update() foreach @bugs;
# Now send emails.
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