Commit 8dc09cd5 authored by's avatar

Bug 225043 - enhance chart migration code to populate 'All Open' charts from…

Bug 225043 - enhance chart migration code to populate 'All Open' charts from historical data. Patch by gerv; r,a=justdave.
parent c91ea0fe
......@@ -3758,6 +3758,7 @@ if (!$series_exists) {
$open_name, $::userid, 1,
$query_prod . $query, 1);
$seriesids{$open_name} = $series->{'series_id'};
# Now, we attempt to read in historical data, if any
# Convert the name in the same way that does
......@@ -3772,20 +3773,33 @@ if (!$series_exists) {
# The data files should be in a standard format, even for old
# Bugzillas, because of the conversion code further up this file.
my %data;
my $last_date = "";
while (<IN>) {
if (/^(\d+\|.*)/) {
my @numbers = split(/\||\r/, $1);
# Only take the first line for each date; it was possible to
# run more than once in a day.
next if $numbers[0] eq $last_date;
for my $i (0 .. $#fields) {
# $numbers[0] is the date
$data{$fields[$i]}{$numbers[0]} = $numbers[$i + 1];
# Keep a total of the number of open bugs for this day
if (IsOpenedState($fields[$i])) {
$data{$open_name}{$numbers[0]} += $numbers[$i + 1];
$last_date = $numbers[0];
foreach my $field (@fields) {
foreach my $field (@fields, $open_name) {
# Insert values into series_data: series_id, date, value
my %fielddata = %{$data{$field}};
foreach my $date (keys %fielddata) {
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