Commit 8de64c70 authored by's avatar

Bug 314470: Require Perl 5.8

Patch By Max Kanat-Alexander <> r=justdave, a=justdave
parent 2ba411e9
......@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ BEGIN {
if ($^O =~ /MSWin32/i) {
require 5.008001; # for CGI 2.93 or higher
require 5.006_001;
require 5.008;
use File::Basename;
chdir dirname($0);
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
<!-- For minimum versions -->
<!ENTITY min-mysql-ver "4.0.14">
<!ENTITY min-pg-ver "7.3.x">
<!ENTITY min-perl-ver "5.6.1">
<!ENTITY min-perl-ver "5.8.0">
<!ENTITY min-perl-ver-win "5.8.1">
<!ENTITY min-template-ver "2.08">
<!ENTITY min-file-temp-ver "any">
......@@ -36,11 +36,11 @@ use Test::More tests => scalar(@Support::Files::testitems);
use DBI;
my @DBI_drivers = DBI->available_drivers;
# Bugzilla requires Perl 5.6.1 now. Checksetup will tell you this if you run it, but
# Bugzilla requires Perl 5.8.0 now. Checksetup will tell you this if you run it, but
# it tests it in a polite/passive way that won't make it fail at compile time. We'll
# slip in a compile-time failure if it's missing here so a tinderbox on 5.00503 won't
# pass and mistakenly let people think Bugzilla works on 5.00503
require 5.006_001;
# slip in a compile-time failure if it's missing here so a tinderbox on < 5.8 won't
# pass and mistakenly let people think Bugzilla works on any perl below 5.8.
require 5.008;
# Capture the TESTOUT from Test::More or Test::Builder for printing errors.
# This will handle verbosity for us automatically.
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