Commit 8ea8a884 authored by's avatar

Bug 108312 - The mid-air collision page was only showing the most recent changes…

Bug 108312 - The mid-air collision page was only showing the most recent changes if two people comitted changes to a bug while you were viewing it. r=louie, myk
parent 18b6bbbf
......@@ -1216,7 +1216,7 @@ sub DumpBugActivity {
die "Invalid id: $id" unless $id=~/^\s*\d+\s*$/;
if (defined $starttime) {
$datepart = "and bugs_activity.bug_when >= $starttime";
$datepart = "and bugs_activity.bug_when > " . SqlQuote($starttime);
my $query = "
SELECT IFNULL(fielddefs.description, bugs_activity.fieldid),
......@@ -979,7 +979,7 @@ Someone else has made changes to this bug at the same time you were trying to.
The changes made were:
DumpBugActivity($id, $delta_ts);
DumpBugActivity($id, $::FORM{'delta_ts'});
my $longdesc = GetLongDescriptionAsHTML($id);
my $longchanged = 0;
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