Commit 99c542cd authored by's avatar

fix for "My Votes" floating in space like a disconnected astronaut

parent 6ba10a1b
......@@ -1073,7 +1073,13 @@ Actions:
$html .=
qq{ <BR> <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="Find"> bug \# <INPUT NAME=id SIZE=6>};
$html .= " | <a href='reports.cgi'>Reports</a></TD>\n";
$html .= " | <a href='reports.cgi'>Reports</a>";
if ($loggedin) {
if ($::anyvotesallowed) {
$html .= " | <A HREF=\"showvotes.cgi\">My votes</A>";
$html .= "</TD>\n";
if ($loggedin) {
#a little mandatory SQL, used later on
SendSQL("SELECT mybugslink, userid, blessgroupset FROM profiles " .
......@@ -1108,9 +1114,6 @@ Actions:
if (!defined $::anyvotesallowed) {
if ($::anyvotesallowed) {
$html .= qq{ <BR> <A HREF="showvotes.cgi"><NOBR>My votes</NOBR></A>};
$html .= "</TR><TR>";
$html .= "<TD>Preset Queries: </TD>";
$html .= "<TD colspan=2>\n";
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