Commit b121584e authored by's avatar

Bug 250897: Enforce a 10 minute waiting period between password reset attempts…

Bug 250897: Enforce a 10 minute waiting period between password reset attempts to prevent the user getting mailbombed if the form is submitted multiple times. Patch by Joel Peshkin <> r=kiko, a=justdave
parent fe879a3d
......@@ -116,11 +116,19 @@ sub IssuePasswordToken {
# Retrieve the user's ID from the database.
my $quotedloginname = &::SqlQuote($loginname);
&::SendSQL("SELECT userid FROM profiles WHERE login_name = $quotedloginname");
my ($userid) = &::FetchSQLData();
&::SendSQL("SELECT profiles.userid, tokens.issuedate FROM profiles
LEFT JOIN tokens
ON tokens.userid = profiles.userid
AND tokens.tokentype = 'password'
AND tokens.issuedate > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 10 MINUTE)
WHERE login_name = $quotedloginname");
my ($userid, $toosoon) = &::FetchSQLData();
if ($toosoon) {
my $token_ts = time();
my $issuedate = time2str("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", $token_ts);
# Generate a unique token and insert it into the tokens table.
# We have to lock the tokens table before generating the token,
......@@ -130,7 +138,7 @@ sub IssuePasswordToken {
my $quotedtoken = &::SqlQuote($token);
my $quotedipaddr = &::SqlQuote($::ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'});
&::SendSQL("INSERT INTO tokens ( userid , issuedate , token , tokentype , eventdata )
VALUES ( $userid , '$issuedate' , $quotedtoken , 'password' , $quotedipaddr )");
VALUES ( $userid , NOW() , $quotedtoken , 'password' , $quotedipaddr )");
# Mail the user the token along with instructions for using it.
......@@ -895,6 +895,11 @@
The token you submitted does not exist, has expired, or has
been cancelled.
[% ELSIF error == "too_soon_for_new_token" %]
[% title = "Too Soon For New Token" %]
You have requested a password token too recently to request
another. Please wait a while and try again.
[% ELSIF error == "unknown_keyword" %]
[% title = "Unknown Keyword" %]
<code>[% keyword FILTER html %]</code> is not a known keyword.
Markdown is supported
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