Bug 143574 - taint errors with alternate formats. Also make data/template

writable for non webservergroup users. r=myk, justdave
parent a162877b
......@@ -841,6 +841,8 @@ END
if (-e 'data/template') {
unless (-d 'data/template' && -e 'data/template/.lastRebuild' &&
(stat('data/template/.lastRebuild'))[9] >= $lastTemplateParamChange) {
print "Removing existing compiled templates ...\n";
# If File::Path::rmtree reported errors, then I'd use that
use File::Find;
sub remove {
......@@ -904,6 +906,8 @@ END
print "Precompiling templates ...\n";
use File::Find;
use Cwd;
......@@ -1089,7 +1093,7 @@ if ($my_webservergroup) {
my $gid = (split " ", $()[0];
fixPerms('.htaccess', $<, $gid, 022); # glob('*') doesn't catch dotfiles
fixPerms('data/.htaccess', $<, $gid, 022);
fixPerms('data/template', $<, $gid, 022, 1);
fixPerms('data/template', $<, $gid, 000, 1); # webserver will write to these
fixPerms('data/webdot/.htaccess', $<, $gid, 022);
fixPerms('data/params', $<, $gid, 011);
fixPerms('*', $<, $gid, 022);
......@@ -1680,7 +1680,15 @@ sub GetOutputFormats {
# Loop over each file in the sub-directory looking for format files
# (files whose name looks like SCRIPT-FORMAT.EXT.tmpl).
foreach my $file (@files) {
if ($file =~ /^\Q$script\E-(.+)\.(.+)\.(tmpl)$/) {
if ($file =~ /^\Q$script\E-(.+)\.(.+)\.tmpl$/) {
# This must be a valid file
# If an attacker could add a previously unused format
# type to trick us into running it, then they could just
# change an existing one...
# (This implies that running without a webservergroup is
# insecure, but that is the case anyway)
$formats->{$1} = {
'template' => $file ,
'extension' => $2 ,
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