Commit c9470b04 authored by's avatar

Added the ability to configure bugzilla so that we only allow local

usernames for email addresses.
parent 52cf03bd
......@@ -316,16 +316,15 @@ sub quietly_check_login() {
sub CheckEmailSyntax {
my ($addr) = (@_);
if ($addr !~ /^[^@, ]*@[^@, ]*\.[^@, ]*$/) {
my $match = Param('emailregexp');
if ($addr !~ /$match/) {
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<H1>Invalid e-mail address entered.</H1>\n";
print "The e-mail address you entered\n";
print "(<b>$addr</b>) didn't match our minimal\n";
print "syntax checking for a legal email address. A legal\n";
print "address must contain exactly one '\@', and at least one\n";
print "'.' after the \@, and may not contain any commas or.\n";
print "spaces.\n";
print "syntax checking for a legal email address.\n";
print Param('emailregexpdesc');
print "<p>Please click <b>back</b> and try again.\n";
......@@ -351,7 +350,8 @@ To use the wonders of bugzilla, you can use the following:
(Your bugzilla and CVS password, if any, are not currently synchronized.
Top hackers are working around the clock to fix this, as you read this.)
my $msg = sprintf($template, $login, $login, $password);
my $msg = sprintf($template, $login . Param('emailsuffix'),
$login, $password);
open SENDMAIL, "|/usr/lib/sendmail -t";
print SENDMAIL $msg;
......@@ -307,5 +307,21 @@ DefParam("expectbigqueries",
'This defines the regexp to use for legal email addresses. The default tries to match fully qualified email addresses. Another popular value to put here is <tt>^[^@, ]$</tt>, which means "local usernames, no @ allowed.',
q:^[^@, ]*@[^@, ]*\\.[^@, ]*$:);
"This describes in english words what kinds of legal addresses are allowed by the <tt>emailregexp</tt> param.",
"A legal address must contain exactly one '\@', and at least one '.' after the \@, and may not contain any commas or spaces.");
"This is a string to append to any email addresses when actually sending mail to that address. It is useful if you have changed the <tt>emailregexp</tt> param to only allow local usernames, but you want the mail to be delivered to username\@my.local.hostname.",
......@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ sub fixaddresses {
if (!defined $::nomail{$i} && !defined $seen{$i}) {
push @result, $i;
push(@result, $i . Param('emailsuffix'));
$seen{$i} = 1;
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