Commit d08d7d95 authored by's avatar

Check for PatchReader as a part of the installation and disable the "Diff"

links if it is not there (bug 215268)
parent 3efe1a90
......@@ -467,11 +467,11 @@ sub interdiff
$ENV{'PATH'} = $::diffpath;
open my $interdiff_fh, "$::interdiffbin $old_filename $new_filename|";
binmode $interdiff_fh;
my ($iter, $last_iter) = setup_iterators("");
my ($reader, $last_reader) = setup_patch_readers("");
if ($::FORM{'format'} eq "raw")
require PatchIterator::DiffPrinter::raw;
$last_iter->sends_data_to(new PatchIterator::DiffPrinter::raw());
require PatchReader::DiffPrinter::raw;
$last_reader->sends_data_to(new PatchReader::DiffPrinter::raw());
# Actually print out the patch
print $cgi->header(-type => 'text/plain',
-expires => '+3M');
......@@ -487,9 +487,9 @@ sub interdiff
delete $vars->{attachid};
delete $vars->{do_context};
delete $vars->{context};
setup_template_iterator($iter, $last_iter);
$iter->iterate_fh($interdiff_fh, "interdiff #$::FORM{'oldid'} #$::FORM{'newid'}");
$reader->iterate_fh($interdiff_fh, "interdiff #$::FORM{'oldid'} #$::FORM{'newid'}");
close $interdiff_fh;
$ENV{'PATH'} = '';
......@@ -505,10 +505,10 @@ sub get_unified_diff
my ($id) = @_;
# Bring in the modules we need
require PatchIterator::Raw;
require PatchIterator::FixPatchRoot;
require PatchIterator::DiffPrinter::raw;
require PatchIterator::PatchInfoGrabber;
require PatchReader::Raw;
require PatchReader::FixPatchRoot;
require PatchReader::DiffPrinter::raw;
require PatchReader::PatchInfoGrabber;
require File::Temp;
# Get the patch
......@@ -520,18 +520,29 @@ sub get_unified_diff
# Reads in the patch, converting to unified diff in a temp file
my $iter = new PatchIterator::Raw;
my $reader = new PatchReader::Raw;
my $last_reader = $reader;
# fixes patch root (makes canonical if possible)
my $fix_patch_root = new PatchIterator::FixPatchRoot(Param('cvsroot'));
if (Param('cvsroot')) {
my $fix_patch_root = new PatchReader::FixPatchRoot(Param('cvsroot'));
$last_reader = $fix_patch_root;
# Grabs the patch file info
my $patch_info_grabber = new PatchIterator::PatchInfoGrabber();
my $patch_info_grabber = new PatchReader::PatchInfoGrabber();
$last_reader = $patch_info_grabber;
# Prints out to temporary file
my ($fh, $filename) = File::Temp::tempfile();
$patch_info_grabber->sends_data_to(new PatchIterator::DiffPrinter::raw($fh));
my $raw_printer = new PatchReader::DiffPrinter::raw($fh);
$last_reader = $raw_printer;
# Iterate!
$iter->iterate_string($id, $thedata);
$reader->iterate_string($id, $thedata);
return ($bugid, $description, $filename, $patch_info_grabber->patch_info()->{files});
......@@ -557,7 +568,7 @@ sub warn_if_interdiff_might_fail {
return undef;
sub setup_iterators {
sub setup_patch_readers {
my ($diff_root) = @_;
......@@ -568,36 +579,36 @@ sub setup_iterators {
# headers=0|1
# Define the iterators
# The iterator that reads the patch in (whatever its format)
require PatchIterator::Raw;
my $iter = new PatchIterator::Raw;
my $last_iter = $iter;
# Define the patch readers
# The reader that reads the patch in (whatever its format)
require PatchReader::Raw;
my $reader = new PatchReader::Raw;
my $last_reader = $reader;
# Fix the patch root if we have a cvs root
if (Param('cvsroot'))
require PatchIterator::FixPatchRoot;
$last_iter->sends_data_to(new PatchIterator::FixPatchRoot(Param('cvsroot')));
$last_iter->sends_data_to->diff_root($diff_root) if defined($diff_root);
$last_iter = $last_iter->sends_data_to;
require PatchReader::FixPatchRoot;
$last_reader->sends_data_to(new PatchReader::FixPatchRoot(Param('cvsroot')));
$last_reader->sends_data_to->diff_root($diff_root) if defined($diff_root);
$last_reader = $last_reader->sends_data_to;
# Add in cvs context if we have the necessary info to do it
if ($::FORM{'context'} ne "patch" && $::cvsbin && Param('cvsroot_get'))
require PatchIterator::AddCVSContext;
new PatchIterator::AddCVSContext($::FORM{'context'},
require PatchReader::AddCVSContext;
new PatchReader::AddCVSContext($::FORM{'context'},
$last_iter = $last_iter->sends_data_to;
$last_reader = $last_reader->sends_data_to;
return ($iter, $last_iter);
return ($reader, $last_reader);
sub setup_template_iterator
sub setup_template_patch_reader
my ($iter, $last_iter) = @_;
my ($last_reader) = @_;
require PatchIterator::DiffPrinter::template;
require PatchReader::DiffPrinter::template;
my $format = $::FORM{'format'};
......@@ -614,7 +625,7 @@ sub setup_template_iterator
# Print everything out
print $cgi->header(-type => 'text/html',
-expires => '+3M');
$last_iter->sends_data_to(new PatchIterator::DiffPrinter::template($template,
$last_reader->sends_data_to(new PatchReader::DiffPrinter::template($template,
......@@ -638,17 +649,17 @@ sub diff
my ($iter, $last_iter) = setup_iterators();
my ($reader, $last_reader) = setup_patch_readers();
if ($::FORM{'format'} eq "raw")
require PatchIterator::DiffPrinter::raw;
$last_iter->sends_data_to(new PatchIterator::DiffPrinter::raw());
require PatchReader::DiffPrinter::raw;
$last_reader->sends_data_to(new PatchReader::DiffPrinter::raw());
# Actually print out the patch
use vars qw($cgi);
print $cgi->header(-type => 'text/plain',
-expires => '+3M');
$iter->iterate_string("Attachment " . $::FORM{'id'}, $thedata);
$reader->iterate_string("Attachment " . $::FORM{'id'}, $thedata);
......@@ -674,9 +685,9 @@ sub diff
$vars->{bugid} = $bugid;
$vars->{attachid} = $::FORM{'id'};
$vars->{description} = $description;
setup_template_iterator($iter, $last_iter);
# Actually print out the patch
$iter->iterate_string("Attachment " . $::FORM{'id'}, $thedata);
$reader->iterate_string("Attachment " . $::FORM{'id'}, $thedata);
......@@ -937,6 +948,11 @@ sub edit
$vars->{'attachments'} = \@bugattachments;
$vars->{'GetBugLink'} = \&GetBugLink;
# Determine if PatchReader is installed
eval {
require PatchReader;
$vars->{'patchviewerinstalled'} = 1;
print Bugzilla->cgi->header();
# Generate and return the UI (HTML page) from the appropriate template.
......@@ -268,6 +268,7 @@ my $chartbase = have_vers("Chart::Base","0.99");
my $xmlparser = have_vers("XML::Parser",0);
my $gdgraph = have_vers("GD::Graph",0);
my $gdtextalign = have_vers("GD::Text::Align",0);
my $patchreader = have_vers("PatchReader",0);
print "\n" unless $silent;
if ((!$gd || !$chartbase) && !$silent) {
......@@ -295,6 +296,17 @@ if ((!$gd || !$gdgraph || !$gdtextalign) && !$silent) {
"-e'install \"GD::Text::Align\"'\n" if !$gdtextalign;
print "\n";
if (!$patchreader && !$silent) {
print "If you want to see pretty HTML views of patches, you should ";
print "install the \nPatchReader module, which can be downloaded at:\n";
print "\n";
print "When you get it, do the following to install:\n";
print "tar xzvf PatchReader-0.9.2.tar.gz\n";
print "cd PatchReader-0.9.2\n";
print "perl Makefile.PL\n";
print "make install\n\n";
if (%missing) {
print "\n\n";
print "Bugzilla requires some Perl modules which are either missing from your\n",
......@@ -461,6 +473,14 @@ END
if (!LocalVarExists('interdiffbin')) {
my $interdiff_executable = `which interdiff`;
if ($interdiff_executable =~ /no interdiff/ || $interdiff_executable eq '') {
if (!$silent) {
print "\nOPTIONAL NOTE: If you want to ";
print "be able to use the\n 'difference between two patches";
print "feature of Bugzilla (requires\n the PatchReader Perl module";
print "as well), you should install\n patchutils from ";
print "\n\n";
# If which didn't find it, set to blank
$interdiff_executable = "";
} else {
......@@ -73,6 +73,12 @@ if ($single) {
# Determine if Patch Viewer is installed, for Diff link
eval {
require PatchReader;
$vars->{'patchviewerinstalled'} = 1;
$vars->{'bugs'} = \@bugs;
# Next bug in list (if there is one)
......@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@
[% IF patchviewerinstalled %]
function viewDiff()
......@@ -102,6 +103,7 @@
has_viewed_as_diff = 1;
[% END %]
function viewRaw()
......@@ -120,11 +122,15 @@
} else if (current_mode == 'raw') {
[% IF patchviewerinstalled %]
[% END %]
hideElementById(has_edited ? 'redoEditButton' : 'editButton');
} else if (current_mode == 'diff') {
[% IF patchviewerinstalled %]
[% END %]
hideElementById(has_edited ? 'redoEditButton' : 'editButton');
......@@ -136,11 +142,15 @@
} else if (mode == 'raw') {
[% IF patchviewerinstalled %]
[% END %]
showElementById(has_edited ? 'redoEditButton' : 'editButton');
} else if (mode == 'diff') {
[% IF patchviewerinstalled %]
[% END %]
showElementById(has_edited ? 'redoEditButton' : 'editButton');
......@@ -227,7 +237,7 @@
<input type="submit" value="Submit"><br><br>
<strong>Actions:</strong> <a href="attachment.cgi?id=[% attachid %]">View</a>
[% IF ispatch %]
[% IF ispatch && patchviewerinstalled %]
| <a href="attachment.cgi?id=[% attachid %]&action=diff">Diff</a>
[% END %]
......@@ -243,11 +253,15 @@
<script type="application/x-javascript" language="JavaScript">
if (typeof document.getElementById == "function") {
[% IF patchviewerinstalled %]
document.write('<iframe id="viewDiffFrame" style="height: 400px; width: 100%; display: none;"></iframe>');
[% END %]
document.write('<button type="button" id="editButton" onclick="editAsComment();">Edit Attachment As Comment</button>');
document.write('<button type="button" id="undoEditButton" onclick="undoEditAsComment();" style="display: none;">Undo Edit As Comment</button>');
document.write('<button type="button" id="redoEditButton" onclick="redoEditAsComment();" style="display: none;">Redo Edit As Comment</button>');
[% IF patchviewerinstalled %]
document.write('<button type="button" id="viewDiffButton" onclick="viewDiff();">View Attachment As Diff</button>');
[% END %]
document.write('<button type="button" id="viewRawButton" onclick="viewRaw();" style="display: none;">View Attachment As Raw</button>');
......@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
[% IF attachment.canedit %]
<a href="attachment.cgi?id=[% attachment.attachid %]&amp;action=edit">Edit</a>
[% END %]
[% IF attachment.ispatch %]
[% IF attachment.ispatch && patchviewerinstalled %]
[% IF attachment.canedit %]
[% END %]
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