Commit de1fd5b0 authored by's avatar

Fix bustage due to bug 453743: I have to exclude flags related to private…

Fix bustage due to bug 453743: I have to exclude flags related to private attachments you cannot see
parent a84d94e0
......@@ -577,6 +577,9 @@ sub get_attachments_by_bug {
my $flags = Bugzilla::Flag->match({ bug_id => $bug_id,
target_type => 'attachment' });
# Exclude flags for private attachments you cannot see.
@$flags = grep {exists $att{$_->attach_id}} @$flags;
push(@{$att{$_->attach_id}->{flags}}, $_) foreach @$flags;
$attachments = [sort {$a->id <=> $b->id} values %att];
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