Commit e2306b29 authored by Guy Pyrzak's avatar Guy Pyrzak Committed by Frédéric Buclin

Bug 594155: IE6 throws JS errors when filing new bugs

parent 8042dfb3
......@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ YAHOO.bugzilla.dupTable = {
new_ds.maxCacheEntries = 3;
new_ds.responseSchema = {
resultsList : "result.bugs",
metaFields : { error: "error", jsonRpcId: "id" },
metaFields : { error: "error", jsonRpcId: "id" }
// DataSource can't understand a JSON-RPC error response, so
// we have to modify the result data if we get one.
......@@ -125,5 +125,5 @@ YAHOO.bugzilla.dupTable = {
this.dataSource, data.options);
YAHOO.util.Event.on(data.summary_field, 'keyup', this.doUpdateTable,
[dt, data.product_name]);
......@@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ TUI_hide_default('attachment_text_field');
MSG_LOADING: 'Searching for possible duplicates...',
MSG_EMPTY: 'No possible duplicates found.',
SUMMARY: 'Possible Duplicates'
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