Commit ef7c3883 authored by's avatar

Bug 155388: <link> elements for next/prev/first/last in buglists didn't appear post-templatization.

parent 5daa491d
......@@ -311,9 +311,13 @@ sub show_bug {
$vars->{'bug'} = \%bug;
$vars->{'user'} = \%user;
# Create the <link> elements for browsing bug lists
$vars->{'navigation_links'} = navigation_links(join(':',@bug_list));
# Generate and return the UI (HTML page) from the appropriate template.
$template->process("bug/edit.html.tmpl", $vars)
|| ThrowTemplateError($template->error());
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
title = "Bug $bug.bug_id - $bug.short_desc"
h1 = "Bugzilla Bug $bug.bug_id"
h2 = filtered_desc
header_html = navigation_links()
header_html = navigation_links
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