Commit f8b945c9 authored by's avatar

Whoops; SQL doesn't seem to want me to mention a table in a SELECT statement

if I'm not going to use it.
parent 397beebc
......@@ -235,8 +235,7 @@ from bugs,
profiles assign,
profiles report
left join profiles qacont on bugs.qa_contact = qacont.userid,
versions projector,
versions projector
where bugs.assigned_to = assign.userid
and bugs.reporter = report.userid
......@@ -309,6 +308,7 @@ if ($::FORM{'keywords'}) {
if (@list) {
$query =~ s/bugs,/bugs, keywords,/;
$query .= "and keywords.bug_id = bugs.bug_id and (" .
join(" $::FORM{'keywords_type'} ", @list) . ")\n";
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