- 27 Feb, 2001 1 commit
cyeh%bluemartini.com authored
we now search each list (dependson, blocks) to see if a bug number shows up in each list. a bug can't be dependent upon and block the same bug. also make it so you can't set a bug blocking or dependent on itself.
- 26 Feb, 2001 1 commit
dave%intrec.com authored
Fix for bug 69670: Chart::Base only reports its version number as 0.99, regardless of the fact that you have 0.99b or 0.99c installed. So checksetup.pl needs to look for 0.99 instead of 0.99b.
- 24 Feb, 2001 2 commits
cyeh%bluemartini.com authored
if we call PuntTryAgain(), make sure we've unlocked tables
dave%intrec.com authored
- 23 Feb, 2001 5 commits
dave%intrec.com authored
Fix for bug 69879: initial owner getting set to NULL if someone was specified on the new bug form. This bug was introduced in the patch for bug 66876 (v1.29 of post_bug.cgi)
cyeh%bluemartini.com authored
cyeh%bluemartini.com authored
on browser windows with shorter widths. also, the second line matches nicely with the other table cell.
cyeh%bluemartini.com authored
patch submitted by st.n@gmx.net (Stephan Niemz [faniz])
cyeh%bluemartini.com authored
based on patch submitted by baulig@suse.de (Martin Baulig).
- 22 Feb, 2001 3 commits
gerv%gerv.net authored
Made dupe table populating code not break on multi-line dupe comments. Thanks to Alex Melnick <alex@get.topica.com>. No bug number.
cyeh%bluemartini.com authored
patch submitted by shie9022@msmailhub.oulan.ou.edu (Alan Shields) make saved queries display better
dave%intrec.com authored
- 21 Feb, 2001 5 commits
cyeh%bluemartini.com authored
patch submitted by kevin.brannen@springbow.com (Kevin Brannen) change checksetup inserts to match database constraints.
tara%tequilarista.org authored
dave%intrec.com authored
cyeh%bluemartini.com authored
patch submitted by afranke@ags.uni-sb.de (Andreas Franke) thanks for the patch. Now can reference attachments in other bugs as an HTML link.
cyeh%bluemartini.com authored
changed to f.target_milestone
- 17 Feb, 2001 2 commits
cyeh%bluemartini.com authored
patch submitted by tstromberg@rtci.com (Thomas Stromberg).
cyeh%bluemartini.com authored
patch submitted by dave@intrec.com (Dave Miller) create an administrator if we don't find one in the db or if new.
- 16 Feb, 2001 2 commits
cyeh%bluemartini.com authored
Remember This Query should give option to add to page footer patch submitted by st.n@gmx.net (Stephan Niemz)
cyeh%bluemartini.com authored
When a bug is marked duplicate, the reporter should be added to the bug that it duplicated. patch submitted by jake@acutex.net (Jake).
- 15 Feb, 2001 1 commit
dmose%mozilla.org authored
fix for bug found in original 17464 patch, where removal from the CC list was not generating a mail. r=donm@bluemartini.com
- 02 Feb, 2001 2 commits
dave%intrec.com authored
Fix for bug 22041: Bug page title now includes bug summary. Patch by st.n@gmx.net (Stephan Niemz (faniz))
dave%intrec.com authored
Fix for bug 66149: better error message on connection failures. Patch by shie9022@msmailhub.oulan.ou.edu (Alan Shields)
- 27 Jan, 2001 1 commit
dave%intrec.com authored
Fix for bug 66154, fixes error introduced in v1.42 of reports.cgi from bug 39159. Patch by Alan Shields <shie9022@msmailhub.oulan.ou.edu>
- 25 Jan, 2001 8 commits
dave%intrec.com authored
cleaning up trailing whitespace in buglist.cgi source. (no code changes) Patch by Stephan Niemz [faniz] <st.n@gmx.net>
dave%intrec.com authored
Fix for bug 66058: dates in Created and Changed date columns in buglists are now in context with how old the bug is. within the last 18 hours: time only (12:24:34) within the last 6 days: weekday and time (Fri 12:24) within the last 100 days: month and day (01-19) older than 100 days: previous behaviour (2001-01-19)
dave%intrec.com authored
Fix for bug 55429: can't always vote more than once per bug, depending on product. Patch by Matthew Tuck <matty@box.net.au>
dave%intrec.com authored
dave%intrec.com authored
Fix for part 2 of bug 31456: changes the way checksetup.pl handles the localconfig file internally to guarantee proper detection of any variables defined in localconfig (even empty arrays, which it couldn't detect before, in case someone adds one to localcofig at some point)
dave%intrec.com authored
Fix for bug 30694: adds title attributes to bug links with bug status and description. Patch by jake@acutex.net
dave%intrec.com authored
Fix for bug 65598: check for minimum versions of some of the Perl modules Bugzilla needs. Also check for minimum version of MySQL server on the other end.
dmose%mozilla.org authored
patch from bug 17464 to give user some control over what sorts of bug mail get sent to an account. Original patch by al_raetz@yahoo.com and lots of additional hacking by me; r=donm@bluemartini.com
- 24 Jan, 2001 2 commits
dave%intrec.com authored
Fix for bug 31295: use checkbox for votes if only one vote allowed. Also eliminate displaying products with no votes. Patch by Stephan Niemz <st.n@gmx.net>
dave%intrec.com authored
- 21 Jan, 2001 1 commit
tara%tequilarista.org authored
- 20 Jan, 2001 1 commit
tara%tequilarista.org authored
- 19 Jan, 2001 1 commit
gerv%gerv.net authored
- 18 Jan, 2001 2 commits
tara%tequilarista.org authored
tara%tequilarista.org authored