• Vitaly Lipatov's avatar
    3.64.12-alt1 · ef7207cb
    Vitaly Lipatov authored
    - epm repo remove: add support for archived task
    - epm-addrepo: get real url before add (old apt doesn't support redirects)
    - epm-addrepo: implement task repo via full url
    - epm desktop: add initial budgie support
    - epm-remove: use hi level removing with any error on low level (closes #236)
    - epm play svp4: Drop bundled pythonqt for avoid dependency on python 3.8 (eterbug #18111)
    - epm play: add salutejazz (eterbug #18100)
    - epm: add --full option
    - epm-addrepo: add epm repo add archive sisyphus support
    - rewrite repo related code and remove apt-repo using
    - epm-removerepo: improve removing
    - epm-repolist: add regexp support
eepm.spec 171 KB