Commit 0f73285c authored by Ivan Mazhukin's avatar Ivan Mazhukin Committed by Vitaly Lipatov

epm release-upgrade: fix sisyphus to p11

parent b3dd49cf
......@@ -94,9 +94,9 @@ __p11_upgrade_fix()
if [[ ! $(docmd epm installed apt-conf-sisyphus) ]]; then
if [[ ! $(docmd epm installed apt-conf-branch) ]]; then
info "Need to install default apt-conf package to avoid missing $TO repo"
docmd epm install apt-conf-sisyphus || fatal
docmd epm install apt-conf-branch || fatal
......@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ __switch_alt_to_distro()
docmd epm install $(get_fix_release_pkg "$FROM")
if [ $TO = "p11" ]; then __sisyphus_downgrade_fix; fi
__switch_repo_to $TO
docmd epm install rpm apt $(get_fix_release_pkg --force "$TO") || fatal "Check the errors and run '# epm release-upgrade' again"
docmd epm downgrade rpm apt $(get_fix_release_pkg --force "$TO") || fatal "Check the errors and run '# epm release-upgrade' again"
docmd epm $force_yes $non_interactive downgrade || fatal "Check the error and run '# epm downgrade'"
__check_system "$TO"
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