Commit 93fb9999 authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

epm-sh-install: implement __epm_check_vendor() via epm status, cleanup

parent a479be9c
......@@ -105,32 +105,16 @@ __epm_vendor_ok_scripts()
return $res
local pkg="$1"
# skip checking if the package is unaccessible
local rpmversion="$(epm print field Version for "$pkg" 2>/dev/null)"
[ -n "$rpmversion" ] || return
epm print field Vendor for "$pkg" 2>/dev/null
# only ALT
[ "$BASEDISTRNAME" = "alt" ] || return 0
load_helper epm-status
local i
for i in $* ; do
local vendor
# TODO: check only for rpm
vendor="$(__epm_get_rpm_pkgvendor "$i")"
local packager="$(epm print field Packager for "$i" 2>/dev/null)"
# TODO: check GPG or some other mark
echo "$packager" | grep -q "@altlinux" && [ "$vendor" = "ALT Linux Team" ] && return 0
epm_status_thirdpart "$i" || continue
warning "%%% You are trying install package $i from third-party software source. Use it at your own discretion. %%%"
......@@ -145,10 +129,18 @@ __epm_check_vendor()
# only ALT
[ "$BASEDISTRNAME" = "alt" ] || return 0
load_helper epm-status
local i
for i in $* ; do
if ! epm_status_validate "$i" ; then
warning "Can't get any info for $i package. Scripts are DISABLED for package $i. Use --scripts if you need run scripts from such packages."
local vendor
vendor="$(__epm_get_rpm_pkgvendor "$i")"
vendor="$(epm print field Vendor for "$i")"
if [ -z "$vendor" ] ; then
warning "Can't get info about vendor for $i package. Scripts are DISABLED for package $i. Use --scripts if you need run scripts from such packages."
......@@ -156,9 +148,7 @@ __epm_check_vendor()
# TODO: check GPG
# check separately to be quiet
[ "$vendor" = "ALT Linux Team" ] && continue
epm_status_original "$i" && continue
if __epm_vendor_ok_scripts "$vendor" ; then
warning "Scripts are ENABLED for package $i from outside vendor '$vendor' (this vendor is listed in $CONFIGDIR/vendorallowscripts.list). Use --noscripts if you need disable scripts in such packages."
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