Commit d818150e authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

epm install: stop on install non-existent file

parent bb3850fe
......@@ -343,11 +343,14 @@ epm_install_files()
local files="$*"
[ -z "$files" ] && return
# TODO: enable support only for systems with support for it
# on some systems install target can be a real path
# use hi-level for install by file path (f.i. epm install /usr/bin/git)
# use hi-level for install by command path (f.i. epm install /usr/bin/git)
if __epm_if_command_path $files ; then
epm_install_names $files
elif is_dirpath "$1" && [ ! -f "$1" ] ; then
fatal "Can't install non-existent file '$1'"
# TODO: check read permissions
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