- eget: fix get response 404 from CloudFlare via range 0-0 downloading (#1)
- epm-repack subpackage: require eepm-rpm-build for ALT and /usr/bin/rpm-build for other distros
- epm-repopkg: fix missed closing square bracket
- introduce try_assure_exists() and use it
- epm-repack-rpm: rewrite rpm-build checking (try install eepm-rpmbuild firstly)
- epm pack, repack: add Davinci-resolve
- epm repack: add checking for tarball name in packrules.list
- epm: check PATH on any systems, add warning if sudo is used
- add esu man page
- update CMDSHELL to use SHELL if env is missed
- epm play: fix far2l download
- epm play pstube: enable, fix downloading latest version
- epm-download: replace spaces in downloaded filenames with -
- epm play: added penpot-desktop
- epm play common.sh: add url support to snap_get_pkgurl
- epm-repack-rpm: drop /usr/share/icons/gnome dirs from packing
- epm repack.d/generic.sh: add correct defattr
- epm pack pantum: fix tar name handling (there are no spaces more)
- epm sf: skip missed contents_index files
- epm: export EPMVERSION for all tools
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