Commit ee640e94 authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

epm repack: add checking for tarball name in packrules.list

parent 7cef9b77
......@@ -81,6 +81,32 @@ __check_stoplist()
grep -E -q "^$1$" $alf
local tmpalf
tmpalf="$(mktemp)" || fatal
# copied from eget's filter_glob
# check man glob
# remove commentы and translate glob to regexp
grep -v "^[[:space:]]*#" "$1" | grep -v "^[[:space:]]*$" | sed -e "s|\*|.*|g" -e "s|?|.|g" >$tmpalf
echo "$tmpalf"
# fill __PACKRULE if $1 in packrules.list
local pkg="$1"
local alf="$CONFIGDIR/packrules.list"
[ -s "$pkg" ] || return 1
[ -s "$alf" ] || return 1
local tmpalf=$(__convert_packrule_to_regexp "$alf")
remove_on_exit $tmpalf
__PACKRULE="$(awk -v s="$pkg" 'BEGIN{FS=" "} s ~ $2 {print $1}' "$tmpalf")"
rm $tmpalf
[ -n "${__PACKRULE}" ]
# arg: <package file>
# sets:
......@@ -110,7 +136,10 @@ __prepare_source_package()
load_helper epm-pack
# they will fill $returntarname
if rihas "$alpkg" "\.AppImage$" ; then
if __check_packrule "$alpkg" ; then
__epm_pack_run_handler ${__PACKRULE} "$pkg"
elif rihas "$alpkg" "\.AppImage$" ; then
# big hack with $pkg_urls_downloaded (it can be a list, not a single url)
__epm_pack_run_handler generic-appimage "$pkg" "" "$pkg_urls_downloaded"
1c-connect 1C-Connect-Linux-x64.tar.gz
davinci-resolve DaVinci_Resolve_*
cascadeur cascadeur-linux.tgz
# there are two package
epsonscan2-non-free-plugin epsonscan2-bundle-*.tar.gz
hplip-plugin hplip-*-plugin
sublime-text sublime_text_build_*
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