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#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is the LDAP to Bugzilla User Sync Tool.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Andreas Hfler.
# Portions created by Andreas Hfler are Copyright (C) 2003
# Andreas Hfler. All
# Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): Andreas Hfler <>

use strict;

require "";

use lib qw(.);

use Net::LDAP;

my $cgi = Bugzilla->cgi;

my $readonly = 0;
my $nodisable = 0;
my $noupdate = 0;
my $nocreate = 0;
my $quiet    = 0;

# Do some preparations
foreach my $arg (@ARGV)
   if($arg eq '-r') {
      $readonly = 1;
   elsif($arg eq '-d') {
      $nodisable = 1;
   elsif($arg eq '-u') {
      $noupdate = 1;
   elsif($arg eq '-c') {
      $nocreate = 1;
   elsif($arg eq '-q') {
      $quiet = 1;
   else {
         print "LDAP Sync Script\n";
         print "Syncronizes the users table from the LDAP server with the Bugzilla users.\n";
         print "Takes mail-attribute from preferences and description from 'cn' or,\n";
         print "if not available, from the uid-attribute.\n\n";
         print "usage:\n [options]\n\n";
         print "options:\n";
         print " -r Readonly, do not make changes to Bugzilla tables\n";
         print " -d No disable, don't disable users, which are not in LDAP\n";
         print " -u No update, don't update users, which have different description in LDAP\n";
         print " -c No create, don't create users, which are in LDAP but not in Bugzilla\n";
         print " -q Quiet mode, give less output\n";
         print "\n";

my %bugzilla_users;
my %ldap_users;

# Get current bugzilla users
SendSQL("SELECT login_name, realname, disabledtext " .
        "FROM profiles" );
while (MoreSQLData()) {
    my ($login_name, $realname, $disabledtext) 
        = FetchSQLData();
    # remove whitespaces
    $realname =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
    $bugzilla_users{$login_name} = { realname         => $realname,
                                     new_login_name   => $login_name,
                                     disabledtext     => $disabledtext };

# Get current LDAP users
my $LDAPserver = Param("LDAPserver");
if ($LDAPserver eq "") {
   print "No LDAP server defined in bugzilla preferences.\n";
my $LDAPport = "389";  # default LDAP port
if($LDAPserver =~ /:/) {
    ($LDAPserver, $LDAPport) = split(":",$LDAPserver);

my $LDAPconn = Net::LDAP->new($LDAPserver, port => $LDAPport, version => 3);
if(!$LDAPconn) {
   print "Connecting to LDAP server failed. Check LDAPserver setting.\n";
my $mesg;
if (Param("LDAPbinddn")) {
    my ($LDAPbinddn,$LDAPbindpass) = split(":",Param("LDAPbinddn"));
    $mesg = $LDAPconn->bind($LDAPbinddn, password => $LDAPbindpass);
else {
    $mesg = $LDAPconn->bind();
if($mesg->code) {
   print "Binding to LDAP server failed: " . $mesg->error . "\nCheck LDAPbinddn setting.\n";

# We've got our anonymous bind;  let's look up the users.
$mesg = $LDAPconn->search( base   => Param("LDAPBaseDN"),
                           scope  => "sub",
                           filter => '(&(' . Param("LDAPuidattribute") . "=*)" . Param("LDAPfilter") . ')',

if(! $mesg->count) {
   print "LDAP lookup failure. Check LDAPBaseDN setting.\n";
my $val = $mesg->as_struct;

while( my ($key, $value) = each(%$val) ) {

   my $login_name = @$value{Param("LDAPmailattribute")};
   my $realname  = @$value{"cn"};

   # no mail entered? go to next
   if(! defined $login_name) { 
      print "$key has no valid mail address\n";

   # no cn entered? use uid instead
   if(! defined $realname) { 
      $realname = @$value{Param("LDAPuidattribute")};
   my $login = shift @$login_name;
   my $real = shift @$realname;
   $ldap_users{$login} = { realname => $real };

print "\n" unless $quiet;

# Sort the users into disable/update/create-Lists and display everything
my %disable_users;
my %update_users;
my %create_users;

print "Bugzilla-Users: \n" unless $quiet;
while( my ($key, $value) = each(%bugzilla_users) ) {
  print " " . $key . " '" . @$value{'realname'} . "' " . @$value{'disabledtext'} ."\n" unless $quiet==1;
  if(!exists $ldap_users{$key}){
     if(@$value{'disabledtext'} eq '') {
       $disable_users{$key} = $value;

print "\nLDAP-Users: \n" unless $quiet;
while( my ($key, $value) = each(%ldap_users) ) {
  print " " . $key . " '" . @$value{'realname'} . "'\n" unless $quiet==1;
  if(!exists $bugzilla_users{$key}){
    $create_users{$key} = $value;
  else { 
    my $bugzilla_user_value = $bugzilla_users{$key};
    if(@$bugzilla_user_value{'realname'} ne @$value{'realname'}) {
      $update_users{$key} = $value;

print "\nDetecting email changes: \n" unless $quiet;
while( my ($create_key, $create_value) = each(%create_users) ) {
  while( my ($disable_key, $disable_value) = each(%disable_users) ) {
    if(@$create_value{'realname'} eq @$disable_value{'realname'}) {
       print " " . $disable_key . " => " . $create_key ."'\n" unless $quiet==1;
       $update_users{$disable_key} = { realname => @$create_value{'realname'},
                                       new_login_name => $create_key };
       delete $create_users{$create_key};
       delete $disable_users{$disable_key};

if($quiet == 0) {
   print "\nUsers to disable: \n";
   while( my ($key, $value) = each(%disable_users) ) {
     print " " . $key . " '" . @$value{'realname'} . "'\n";
   print "\nUsers to update: \n";
   while( my ($key, $value) = each(%update_users) ) {
     print " " . $key . " '" . @$value{'realname'} . "' ";
     if(defined @$value{'new_login_name'}) {
       print "has changed email to " . @$value{'new_login_name'};
     print "\n";
   print "\nUsers to create: \n";
   while( my ($key, $value) = each(%create_users) ) {
     print " " . $key . " '" . @$value{'realname'} . "'\n";
   print "\n\n";

# now do the DB-Update
if($readonly == 0) {
   print "Performing DB update:\nPhase 1: disabling not-existing users... " unless $quiet;
   if($nodisable == 0) {
      while( my ($key, $value) = each(%disable_users) ) {
        SendSQL("UPDATE profiles SET disabledtext = 'auto-disabled by ldap sync' WHERE login_name='$key'" );
      print "done!\n" unless $quiet;
   else {
      print "disabled!\n" unless $quiet;
   print "Phase 2: updating existing users... " unless $quiet;
   if($noupdate == 0) {
      while( my ($key, $value) = each(%update_users) ) {
        if(defined @$value{'new_login_name'}) {
          SendSQL("UPDATE profiles SET login_name = '" . @$value{'new_login_name'} . "' WHERE login_name='$key'" );
        } else {
          SendSQL("UPDATE profiles SET realname = '" . @$value{'realname'} . "' WHERE login_name='$key'" );
      print "done!\n" unless $quiet;
   else {
      print "disabled!\n" unless $quiet;
   print "Phase 3: creating new users... " unless $quiet;
   if($nocreate == 0) {
      while( my ($key, $value) = each(%create_users) ) {
        SendSQL("INSERT INTO profiles VALUES ('',
                                              '" . @$value{'realname'} . "', 
      print "done!\n" unless $quiet;
   else {
      print "disabled!\n" unless $quiet;
   print "No changes to DB because readonly mode\n" unless $quiet;