shadowdb.html.tmpl 1.86 KB
[%# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
  # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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   title = "Shadow Database"
   desc = "An optional hack to increase database performance"

[% param_descs = {
  shadowdbhost => "The host the shadow database is on.",

  shadowdbport => "The port the shadow database is on. Ignored if " _
                  "<var>shadowdbhost</var> is blank. Note: if the host is the local " _
                  "machine, then MySQL will ignore this setting, and you must " _
                  "specify a socket below.",

  shadowdbsock => "The socket used to connect to the shadow database, if the host " _
                  "is the local machine. This setting is required because MySQL " _
                  "ignores the port specified by the client and connects using " _
                  "its compiled-in socket path (on unix machines) when connecting " _
                  "from a client to a local server. If you leave this blank, and " _
                  "have the database on localhost, then the <var>shadowdbport</var> " _
                  "will be ignored.",

  shadowdb => "If non-empty, then this is the name of another database in " _
              "which Bugzilla will use as a read-only copy of everything. " _
              "This is done so that long slow read-only operations can be used " _
              "against this db, and not lock up things for everyone else. This " _
              "database is on the <var>shadowdbhost</var>, and must exist. " _
              "Bugzilla does not update it, if you use this parameter, then " _
              "you need to set up replication for your database." }