field-help.none.tmpl 7.81 KB
[%# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
  # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
  # file, You can obtain one at
  # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
  # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.

[%# This file describes both bug fields and search fields.
  # As calling this template once per label is very expensive,
  # it is called only by %]

[% RETURN UNLESS in_template_var %]

[% vars.help_html = {

# Note that all these keys here are in alphabetical order, though
# search-specific fields are at the bottom.

# Bug Fields #

alias =>
  "A short, unique name assigned to $terms.abug in order to assist with
   looking it up and referring to it in other places in ${terms.Bugzilla}.",

assigned_to =>
  "The person in charge of resolving the ${terms.bug}.",

blocked =>
  "This $terms.bug must be resolved before the $terms.bugs listed in this
   field can be resolved.",

bug_file_loc =>
  "$terms.Bugs can have a URL associated with them - for example, a"
  _ " pointer to a web site where the problem is seen.",

bug_id =>
  "The numeric id of $terms.abug, unique within this entire installation"
  _ " of ${terms.Bugzilla}.",

bug_severity =>
  "How severe the $terms.bug is, or whether it's an enhancement.",

bug_status =>
  "$terms.Abug may be in any of a number of states.",

cc =>
  "Users who may not have a direct role to play on this $terms.bug, but who
   are interested in its progress.",

classification => 
  "$terms.Bugs are categorised into Classifications, Products and"
  _ " Components. classifications is the top-level categorisation.",   

component => 
  "Components are second-level categories; each belongs to a"
  _ " particular Product. Select a Product to narrow down this list.",

creation_ts =>
  "When the $terms.bug was filed.",

deadline =>
  "The date that this $terms.bug must be resolved by, entered in YYYY-MM-DD

delta_ts =>
  "When this $terms.bug was last updated.",

dependson =>
  "The $terms.bugs listed here must be resolved before this $terms.bug
   can be resolved.",

estimated_time =>
  "The amount of time that has been estimated it will take to resolve
   this ${terms.bug}.",

keywords =>
   "You can add keywords from a defined list to $terms.bugs, in order"
   _ " to easily identify and group them.",

longdesc =>
  "$terms.Bugs have comments added to them by $terms.Bugzilla users."
  _ " You can search for some text in those comments.",

op_sys =>
  "The operating system the $terms.bug was observed on.",

percentage_complete =>
  "How close to 100% done this $terms.bug is, by comparing its
   $vars.field_descs.work_time to its ${vars.field_descs.estimated_time}.",

priority =>
  "Engineers prioritize their $terms.bugs using this field.",

# Note that this has extra text added below if useclassification is on.
product =>
  "$terms.Bugs are categorised into Products and Components.",

qa_contact =>
  "The person responsible for confirming this $terms.bug if it is"
  _ " unconfirmed, and for verifying the fix once the $terms.bug"
  _ " has been resolved.",

remaining_time =>
  "The number of hours of work left on this $terms.bug, calculated by
   subtracting the $vars.field_descs.work_time from the 

rep_platform => 
  "The hardware platform the $terms.bug was observed on.",

reporter =>
  "The person who filed this ${terms.bug}.",

resolution =>
  "If $terms.abug is in a resolved state, then one of these reasons"
  _ " will be given for its resolution.",

see_also =>
  "This allows you to refer to $terms.bugs in other installations.
   You can enter a URL to $terms.abug in the 'Add $terms.Bug URLs'
   field to note that that $terms.bug is related to this one. You can
   enter multiple URLs at once by separating them with a comma.

   <p>You should normally use this field to refer to $terms.bugs in
     <em>other</em> installations. For $terms.bugs in this
     installation, it is better to use the $vars.field_descs.dependson and 
     $vars.field_descs.blocked fields.</p>",

short_desc =>
  "The $terms.bug summary is a short sentence which succinctly"
  _ " describes what the $terms.bug is about.",

status_whiteboard =>
  "Each $terms.bug has a free-form single line text entry box for"
  _ " adding tags and status information.",

tag =>
  "Unlike ${vars.field_descs.keywords} which are global and visible by
   all users, ${vars.field_descs.tag} are personal and can only be
   viewed and edited by their author.
   Editing them won't send any notification to other users. Use them
   to tag and keep track of ${terms.bugs}.",

target_milestone =>
   "The $vars.field_descs.target_milestone field is used to define when the"
   _ " engineer the $terms.bug is assigned to expects to fix it.",

version =>
  "The version field defines the version of the software the"
  _ " $terms.bug was found in.",

votes =>
  "Some $terms.bugs can be voted for, and you can limit your search to"
  _ " $terms.bugs with more than a certain number of votes.",

work_time =>
  "The total amount of time spent on this $terms.bug so far.",

# Search-specific fields #

chfield =>
  "You can search for specific types of change - this field defines"
  _" which field you are interested in changes for.",

# Duplicated to chfieldto below, also.
chfieldfrom =>
  "Specify the start and end dates either in YYYY-MM-DD format
   optionally followed by HH:mm, in 24 hour clock), or in relative
   dates such as 1h, 2d, 3w, 4m, 5y, which respectively mean one hour,
   two days, three weeks, four months, or five years ago. 0d is last
   midnight, and 0h, 0w, 0m, 0y is the beginning of this hour, week,
   month, or year.",

chfieldvalue =>
  "The value the field defined above changed to during that time.",

content =>
  "This is a field available in searches that does a Google-like
   'full-text' search on the $vars.field_descs.short_desc and
   $vars.field_descs.longdesc fields.",

# Duplicated to email2 below, also.
email1 =>
  "Every $terms.bug has people associated with it in different"
  _ " roles. Here, you can search on what people are in what role.",

} %]

[% vars.help_html.email2 = vars.help_html.email1 %]
[% vars.help_html.chfieldto = vars.help_html.chfieldfrom %]
[% vars.help_html.deadlinefrom = vars.help_html.deadline %]
[% vars.help_html.deadlineto = vars.help_html.deadline %]

[% help_all_note = BLOCK %]
  <strong>Note:</strong> When searching, selecting the option "All"
  only finds [% terms.bugs %] whose value for this field is literally
  the word "All".
[% END %]
[% FOREACH all_field = ['op_sys', 'rep_platform'] %]
  [% vars.help_html.$all_field = vars.help_html.$all_field _ ' ' _ help_all_note %]
[% END %]

[% IF Param('useclassification') %]
  [% vars.help_html.product = vars.help_html.product 
      _ " Select a Classification to narrow down this list." %]
[% END %]

[% FOREACH help_field = bug_fields.keys %]

  [%# Add help for custom fields. %]
  [% IF !vars.help_html.${help_field}.defined %]
    [% IF bug_fields.${help_field}.long_desc %]
      [% vars.help_html.${help_field} = bug_fields.${help_field}.long_desc %]
    [% ELSE %]
      [% SET field_type = bug_fields.${help_field}.type %]
      [% field_type_desc = BLOCK -%]
        [% field_types.$field_type FILTER html %]
      [%- END %]
      [% vars.help_html.${help_field} = 
        "A custom $field_type_desc field in this installation"
        _ " of ${terms.Bugzilla}." %]
    [% END %]
  [% END %]

  [%# Add help for the search types, for query.cgi. %]
  [% type_desc = BLOCK %]
    The type of [% vars.field_descs.${help_field} FILTER html %] search you 
    would like.
  [% END %]
  [% SET type_name = help_field _ '_type' %]
  [% vars.help_html.$type_name = type_desc %]
[% END %]

[% Hook.process("end") %]