Commit 0459ae82 authored by Gervase Markham's avatar Gervase Markham Committed by Gervase Markham

Provide user objects to bugmail_recipients hook. r,a=mkanat.

parent aa94254a
......@@ -184,8 +184,14 @@ sub Send {
# Make sure %user_cache has every user in it so far referenced
foreach my $user_id (keys %recipients) {
$user_cache{$user_id} ||= new Bugzilla::User($user_id);
{ bug => $bug, recipients => \%recipients });
{ bug => $bug, recipients => \%recipients,
users => \%user_cache });
# Find all those user-watching anyone on the current list, who is not
# on it already themselves.
......@@ -494,6 +494,14 @@ as though he were on the CC list:
(We use C<+> in front of C<REL_CC> so that Perl interprets it as a constant
instead of as a string.)
=item C<users>
This is a hash of L<Bugzilla::User> objects, keyed by id. This is so you can
find out more information about any of the user ids in the C<recipients> hash.
Every id in the incoming C<recipients> hash will have an object in here.
(But if you add additional recipients to the C<recipients> hash, you are
B<not> required to add them to this hash.)
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