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Commit 0ea9d8ff authored by's avatar

Bug 361842: When filing a bug with dependencies, delta_ts is not updated on…

Bug 361842: When filing a bug with dependencies, delta_ts is not updated on dependent bugs, preventing correct midair collision detection in these bugs - Patch by Fré©ric Buclin <> r=bkor a=LpSolit
parent 27b4f887
......@@ -303,17 +303,21 @@ sub create {
# Set up dependencies (blocked/dependson)
my $sth_deps = $dbh->prepare(
'INSERT INTO dependencies (blocked, dependson) VALUES (?, ?)');
my $sth_bug_time = $dbh->prepare('UPDATE bugs SET delta_ts = ? WHERE bug_id = ?');
foreach my $depends_on_id (@$depends_on) {
$sth_deps->execute($bug->bug_id, $depends_on_id);
# Log the reverse action on the other bug.
LogActivityEntry($depends_on_id, 'blocked', '', $bug->bug_id,
$bug->{reporter_id}, $timestamp);
$sth_bug_time->execute($timestamp, $depends_on_id);
foreach my $blocked_id (@$blocked) {
$sth_deps->execute($blocked_id, $bug->bug_id);
# Log the reverse action on the other bug.
LogActivityEntry($blocked_id, 'dependson', '', $bug->bug_id,
$bug->{reporter_id}, $timestamp);
$sth_bug_time->execute($timestamp, $blocked_id);
# And insert the comment. We always insert a comment on bug creation,
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