Commit 40145941 authored by's avatar

Fix on checkin for bug 438810: replace targets by users/groups

parent 1ad55bf5
......@@ -289,13 +289,13 @@
Bad vote sum for [% terms.bug %] [%+ id FILTER html %].
[% ELSIF san_tag == "whines_obsolete_target_deletion_start" %]
OK, now removing non-existent targets from whines.
OK, now removing non-existent users/groups from whines.
[% ELSIF san_tag == "whines_obsolete_target_deletion_end" %]
Non-existent targets have been removed from whines.
Non-existent users/groups have been removed from whines.
[% ELSIF san_tag == "whines_obsolete_target_start" %]
Checking for whines with non-existent targets.
Checking for whines with non-existent users/groups.
[% ELSIF san_tag == "whines_obsolete_target_alert" %]
[% FOREACH schedule = schedules %]
......@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@
[% ELSIF san_tag == "whines_obsolete_target_fix" %]
<a href="sanitycheck.cgi?remove_old_whine_targets=1">Click here to
remove old targets</a>
remove old users/groups</a>
[% END %]
[% END %]
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