You need to sign in or sign up before continuing.

Bug 163829 - move pref code into a separate package

r=joel, preed
parent 90c042db
......@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ package Bug;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
my %ok_field;
use Bugzilla::Config;
use Bugzilla::Util;
for my $key (qw (bug_id alias product version rep_platform op_sys bug_status
......@@ -165,7 +166,7 @@ sub initBug {
$self->{'cc'} = \@cc;
if (&::Param("useqacontact") && (defined $self->{'qa_contact'}) ) {
if (Param("useqacontact") && (defined $self->{'qa_contact'}) ) {
my $name = $self->{'qa_contact'} > 0 ? &::DBID_to_name($self->{'qa_contact'}) :"";
if ($name) {
$self->{'qa_contact'} = $name;
......@@ -273,8 +274,8 @@ sub emitXML {
if (defined $self->{'longdescs'}) {
for (my $i=0 ; $i < @{$self->{'longdescs'}} ; $i++) {
next if ($self->{'longdescs'}[$i]->{'isprivate'}
&& &::Param("insidergroup")
&& !&::UserInGroup(&::Param("insidergroup")));
&& Param("insidergroup")
&& !&::UserInGroup(Param("insidergroup")));
$xml .= " <long_desc>\n";
$xml .= " <who>" . &::DBID_to_name($self->{'longdescs'}[$i]->{'who'})
. "</who>\n";
......@@ -289,8 +290,8 @@ sub emitXML {
if (defined $self->{'attachments'}) {
for (my $i=0 ; $i < @{$self->{'attachments'}} ; $i++) {
next if ($self->{'attachments'}[$i]->{'isprivate'}
&& &::Param("insidergroup")
&& !&::UserInGroup(&::Param("insidergroup")));
&& Param("insidergroup")
&& !&::UserInGroup(Param("insidergroup")));
$xml .= " <attachment>\n";
$xml .= " <attachid>" . $self->{'attachments'}[$i]->{'attachid'}
. "</attachid>\n";
......@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ package Bug;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
my %ok_field;
use Bugzilla::Config;
use Bugzilla::Util;
for my $key (qw (bug_id alias product version rep_platform op_sys bug_status
......@@ -165,7 +166,7 @@ sub initBug {
$self->{'cc'} = \@cc;
if (&::Param("useqacontact") && (defined $self->{'qa_contact'}) ) {
if (Param("useqacontact") && (defined $self->{'qa_contact'}) ) {
my $name = $self->{'qa_contact'} > 0 ? &::DBID_to_name($self->{'qa_contact'}) :"";
if ($name) {
$self->{'qa_contact'} = $name;
......@@ -273,8 +274,8 @@ sub emitXML {
if (defined $self->{'longdescs'}) {
for (my $i=0 ; $i < @{$self->{'longdescs'}} ; $i++) {
next if ($self->{'longdescs'}[$i]->{'isprivate'}
&& &::Param("insidergroup")
&& !&::UserInGroup(&::Param("insidergroup")));
&& Param("insidergroup")
&& !&::UserInGroup(Param("insidergroup")));
$xml .= " <long_desc>\n";
$xml .= " <who>" . &::DBID_to_name($self->{'longdescs'}[$i]->{'who'})
. "</who>\n";
......@@ -289,8 +290,8 @@ sub emitXML {
if (defined $self->{'attachments'}) {
for (my $i=0 ; $i < @{$self->{'attachments'}} ; $i++) {
next if ($self->{'attachments'}[$i]->{'isprivate'}
&& &::Param("insidergroup")
&& !&::UserInGroup(&::Param("insidergroup")));
&& Param("insidergroup")
&& !&::UserInGroup(Param("insidergroup")));
$xml .= " <attachment>\n";
$xml .= " <attachid>" . $self->{'attachments'}[$i]->{'attachid'}
. "</attachid>\n";
# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
# Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
# Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
# Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): Terry Weissman <>
# Dawn Endico <>
# Dan Mosedale <>
# Joe Robins <>
# Jake <>
# J. Paul Reed <>
# Bradley Baetz <>
# Christopher Aillon <>
package Bugzilla::Config;
=head1 NAME
Bugzilla::Config - Configuration paramaters for Bugzilla
# Getting paramaters
use Bugzilla::Config;
my $fooSetting = Param('foo');
# Administration functions
use Bugzilla::Config qw(:admin);
my @valid_params = GetParamList();
my @removed_params = UpgradeParams();
SetParam($param, $value);
# Localconfig variables may also be imported
use Bugzilla::Config qw(:db);
print "Connecting to $db_name as $db_user with $db_pass\n";
# These variables do not belong in localconfig, and need to go
# somewhere better
use Bugzilla::Config($contenttypes $pages)
This package contains ways to access Bugzilla configuration parameters.
use strict;
use base qw(Exporter);
use Bugzilla::Util;
# Module stuff
@Bugzilla::Config::EXPORT = qw(Param);
# Don't export localvars by default - people should have to explicitly
# ask for it, as a (probably futile) attempt to stop code using it
# when it shouldn't
# ChmodDataFile is here until that stuff all moves out of
# into this file
@Bugzilla::Config::EXPORT_OK = qw($contenttypes $pages ChmodDataFile);
%Bugzilla::Config::EXPORT_TAGS =
admin => [qw(GetParamList UpdateParams SetParam WriteParams)],
db => [qw($db_host $db_port $db_name $db_user $db_pass)],
Exporter::export_ok_tags('admin', 'db');
# Bugzilla version
$Bugzilla::Config::VERSION = "2.17";
use Data::Dumper;
# This only has an affect for Data::Dumper >= 2.12 (ie perl >= 5.8.0)
# Its just cosmetic, though, so that doesn't matter
$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
use File::Temp;
use Safe;
use vars qw(@param_list);
my %param;
# XXX - mod_perl - need to register Apache init handler for params
sub _load_datafiles {
# read in localconfig variables
do 'localconfig';
if (-e 'data/params') {
# Handle reading old param files by munging the symbol table
# Don't have to do this if we use safe mode, since its evaled
# in a sandbox where $foo is in the same module as $::foo
#local *::param = \%param;
# Note that sets file permissions on 'data/params'
# Using Safe mode is _not_ a guarantee of safety if someone does
# manage to write to the file. However, it won't hurt...
# See bug 165144 for not needing to eval this at all
my $s = new Safe;
die "Error evaluating data/params: $@" if $@;
# Now read the param back out from the sandbox
%param = %{$s->varglob('param')};
# Load in the datafiles
# Load in the param defintions
do '';
# Stick the params into a hash
my %params;
foreach my $item (@param_list) {
$params{$item->{'name'}} = $item;
# Subroutines go here
=head2 Parameters
Parameters can be set, retrieved, and updated.
=over 4
=item C<Param($name)>
Returns the Param with the specified name. Either a string, or, in the case
of multiple-choice parameters, an array reference.
sub Param {
my ($param) = @_;
# By this stage, the param must be in the hash
die "Can't find param named $param" unless (exists $param{$param});
return $param{$param};
=item C<GetParamList()>
Returns the list of known paramater types, from Users should not
rely on this method; it is intended for editparams/doeditparams only
The format for the list is specified in
sub GetParamList {
return @param_list;
=item C<SetParam($name, $value)>
Sets the param named $name to $value. Values are checked using the checker
function for the given param if one exists.
sub SetParam {
my ($name, $value) = @_;
die "Unknown param $name" unless (exists $params{$name});
my $entry = $params{$name};
# sanity check the value
if (exists $entry->{'checker'}) {
my $err = $entry->{'checker'}->($value, $entry);
die "Param $name is not valid: $err" unless $err eq '';
$param{$name} = $value;
=item C<UpdateParams()>
Updates the parameters, by transitioning old params to new formats, setting
defaults for new params, and removing obsolete ones.
Any removed params are returned in a list, with elements [$item, $oldvalue]
where $item is the entry in the param list.
This change is not flushed to disk, use L<C<WriteParams()>> for that.
sub UpdateParams {
# Note that this isn't particuarly 'clean' in terms of separating
# the backend code (ie this) from the actual params.
# We don't care about that, though
# Old bugzilla versions stored the version number in the params file
# We don't want it, so get rid of it
delete $param{'version'};
# Change from a boolean for quips to multi-state
if (exists $param{'usequip'} && !exists $param{'allowquips'}) {
$param{'allowquips'} = $param{'usequip'} ? 'on' : 'off';
delete $param{'usequip'};
foreach my $item (@param_list) {
my $name = $item->{'name'};
$param{$name} = $item->{'default'} unless exists $param{$name};
my @oldparams = ();
# Remove any old params
foreach my $item (keys %param) {
if (!grep($_ eq $item, map ($_->{'name'}, @param_list))) {
local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 0;
push (@oldparams, [$item, Data::Dumper->Dump([$param{$item}])]);
delete $param{$item};
return @oldparams;
=item C<WriteParams()>
Writes the parameters to disk.
sub WriteParams {
my ($fh, $tmpname) = File::Temp::tempfile('params.XXXXX',
DIR => 'data' );
print $fh (Data::Dumper->Dump([ \%param ], [ '*param' ]))
|| die "Can't write param file: $!";
close $fh;
rename $tmpname, "data/params"
|| die "Can't rename $tmpname to data/params: $!";
ChmodDataFile('data/params', 0666);
# Some files in the data directory must be world readable iff we don't have
# a webserver group. Call this function to do this.
# This will become a private function once all the datafile handling stuff
# moves into this package
# This sub is not perldoc'd for that reason - noone should know about it
sub ChmodDataFile {
my ($file, $mask) = @_;
my $perm = 0770;
if ((stat('data'))[2] & 0002) {
$perm = 0777;
$perm = $perm & $mask;
chmod $perm,$file;
=head2 Parameter checking functions
All parameter checking functions are called with two parameters:
=over 4
=item *
The new value for the parameter
=item *
A reference to the entry in the param list for this parameter
Functions should return error text, or the empty string if there was no error.
=over 4
=item C<check_multi>
Checks that a multi-valued parameter (ie type C<s> or type C<m>) satisfies
its contraints.
sub check_multi {
my ($value, $param) = (@_);
if ($param->{'type'} eq "s") {
unless (lsearch($param->{'choices'}, $value) >= 0) {
return "Invalid choice '$value' for single-select list param '$param'";
return "";
elsif ($param->{'type'} eq "m") {
foreach my $chkParam (@$value) {
unless (lsearch($param->{'choices'}, $chkParam) >= 0) {
return "Invalid choice '$chkParam' for multi-select list param '$param'";
return "";
else {
return "Invalid param type '$param->{'type'}' for check_multi(); " .
"contact your Bugzilla administrator";
=item C<check_numeric>
Checks that the value is a valid number
sub check_numeric {
my ($value) = (@_);
if ($value !~ /^[0-9]+$/) {
return "must be a numeric value";
return "";
=item C<check_regexp>
Checks that the value is a valid regexp
sub check_regexp {
my ($value) = (@_);
eval { qr/$value/ };
return $@;
......@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ use vars qw($userid $usergroupset);
package Bugzilla::Search;
use Bugzilla::Config;
use Bugzilla::Util;
use Date::Format;
......@@ -314,7 +315,7 @@ sub init {
"^long_?desc," => sub {
my $table = "longdescs_$chartid";
push(@supptables, "longdescs $table");
if (&::Param("insidergroup") && !&::UserInGroup(&::Param("insidergroup"))) {
if (Param("insidergroup") && !&::UserInGroup(Param("insidergroup"))) {
push(@wherepart, "$table.isprivate < 1") ;
push(@wherepart, "$table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id");
......@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ use strict;
# Bundle the functions in this file together into the "Token" package.
package Token;
use Bugzilla::Config;
use Date::Format;
# This module requires that its caller have said "require" to import
......@@ -75,14 +77,14 @@ sub IssueEmailChangeToken {
my $template = $::template;
my $vars = $::vars;
$vars->{'oldemailaddress'} = $old_email . &::Param('emailsuffix');
$vars->{'newemailaddress'} = $new_email . &::Param('emailsuffix');
$vars->{'oldemailaddress'} = $old_email . Param('emailsuffix');
$vars->{'newemailaddress'} = $new_email . Param('emailsuffix');
$vars->{'max_token_age'} = $maxtokenage;
$vars->{'token_ts'} = $token_ts;
$vars->{'token'} = $token;
$vars->{'emailaddress'} = $old_email . &::Param('emailsuffix');
$vars->{'emailaddress'} = $old_email . Param('emailsuffix');
my $message;
$template->process("account/email/change-old.txt.tmpl", $vars, \$message)
......@@ -93,7 +95,7 @@ sub IssueEmailChangeToken {
$vars->{'token'} = $newtoken;
$vars->{'emailaddress'} = $new_email . &::Param('emailsuffix');
$vars->{'emailaddress'} = $new_email . Param('emailsuffix');
$message = "";
$template->process("account/email/change-new.txt.tmpl", $vars, \$message)
......@@ -136,7 +138,7 @@ sub IssuePasswordToken {
my $vars = $::vars;
$vars->{'token'} = $token;
$vars->{'emailaddress'} = $loginname . &::Param('emailsuffix');
$vars->{'emailaddress'} = $loginname . Param('emailsuffix');
$vars->{'max_token_age'} = $maxtokenage;
$vars->{'token_ts'} = $token_ts;
......@@ -206,7 +208,7 @@ sub Cancel {
my ($issuedate, $tokentype, $eventdata, $loginname, $realname) = &::FetchSQLData();
# Get the email address of the Bugzilla maintainer.
my $maintainer = &::Param('maintainer');
my $maintainer = Param('maintainer');
# Format the user's real name and email address into a single string.
my $username = $realname ? $realname . " <" . $loginname . ">" : $loginname;
......@@ -258,3 +258,5 @@ sub trim {
......@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ use lib ".";
# use Carp; # for confess
use Bugzilla::Util;
use Bugzilla::Config;
# commented out the following snippet of code. this tosses errors into the
# CGI if you are perl 5.6, and doesn't if you have perl 5.003.
......@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ use strict;
# Bundle the functions in this file together into the "Token" package.
package Token;
use Bugzilla::Config;
use Date::Format;
# This module requires that its caller have said "require" to import
......@@ -75,14 +77,14 @@ sub IssueEmailChangeToken {
my $template = $::template;
my $vars = $::vars;
$vars->{'oldemailaddress'} = $old_email . &::Param('emailsuffix');
$vars->{'newemailaddress'} = $new_email . &::Param('emailsuffix');
$vars->{'oldemailaddress'} = $old_email . Param('emailsuffix');
$vars->{'newemailaddress'} = $new_email . Param('emailsuffix');
$vars->{'max_token_age'} = $maxtokenage;
$vars->{'token_ts'} = $token_ts;
$vars->{'token'} = $token;
$vars->{'emailaddress'} = $old_email . &::Param('emailsuffix');
$vars->{'emailaddress'} = $old_email . Param('emailsuffix');
my $message;
$template->process("account/email/change-old.txt.tmpl", $vars, \$message)
......@@ -93,7 +95,7 @@ sub IssueEmailChangeToken {
$vars->{'token'} = $newtoken;
$vars->{'emailaddress'} = $new_email . &::Param('emailsuffix');
$vars->{'emailaddress'} = $new_email . Param('emailsuffix');
$message = "";
$template->process("account/email/change-new.txt.tmpl", $vars, \$message)
......@@ -136,7 +138,7 @@ sub IssuePasswordToken {
my $vars = $::vars;
$vars->{'token'} = $token;
$vars->{'emailaddress'} = $loginname . &::Param('emailsuffix');
$vars->{'emailaddress'} = $loginname . Param('emailsuffix');
$vars->{'max_token_age'} = $maxtokenage;
$vars->{'token_ts'} = $token_ts;
......@@ -206,7 +208,7 @@ sub Cancel {
my ($issuedate, $tokentype, $eventdata, $loginname, $realname) = &::FetchSQLData();
# Get the email address of the Bugzilla maintainer.
my $maintainer = &::Param('maintainer');
my $maintainer = Param('maintainer');
# Format the user's real name and email address into a single string.
my $username = $realname ? $realname . " <" . $loginname . ">" : $loginname;
......@@ -96,6 +96,8 @@
use strict;
use Bugzilla::Config qw(:DEFAULT :admin);
# 12/17/00 - removed declarations of the localconfig
# variables from this location. We don't want these declared here. They'll
# automatically get declared in the process of reading in localconfig, and
......@@ -970,36 +972,33 @@ END
# Just to be sure ...
unlink "data/versioncache";
# Remove parameters from the data/params file that no longer exist in Bugzilla.
if (-e "data/params") {
require "data/params";
require "";
use vars @::param_list;
my @oldparams;
# Remove parameters from the data/params file that no longer exist in Bugzilla,
# and set the defaults for new ones
my @oldparams = UpdateParams();
if (@oldparams) {
open(PARAMFILE, ">>old-params.txt")
|| die "$0: Can't open old-params.txt for writing: $!\n";
foreach my $item (keys %::param) {
if (!grep($_ eq $item, @::param_list) && $item ne "version") {
push (@oldparams, $item);
print PARAMFILE "\n\n$item:\n$::param{$item}\n";
delete $::param{$item};
if (@oldparams) {
print "The following parameters are no longer used in Bugzilla, " .
"and so have been\nremoved from your parameters file and " .
"appended to old-params.txt:\n";
print join(", ", @oldparams) . "\n\n";
print "The following parameters are no longer used in Bugzilla, " .
"and so have been\nremoved from your parameters file and " .
"appended to old-params.txt:\n";
foreach my $p (@oldparams) {
my ($item, $value) = @{$p};
print PARAMFILE "\n\n$item:\n$value\n";
print $item;
print ", " unless $item eq $oldparams[$#oldparams]->[0];
print "\n";
# WriteParams will only write out still-valid entries
# Set proper rights
......@@ -1239,14 +1238,12 @@ END { $dbh->disconnect if $dbh }
# and that the generated images are accessible.
if(-e "data/params") {
require "data/params";
if( $::param{'webdotbase'} && $::param{'webdotbase'} !~ /^https?:/ ) {
if( Param('webdotbase') && Param('webdotbase') !~ /^https?:/ ) {
printf("Checking for %15s %-9s ", "GraphViz", "(any)");
if(-x $::param{'webdotbase'}) {
print "ok: found\n";
if(-x Param('webdotbase')) {
print "ok: found\n";
} else {
print "not a valid executable: $::param{'webdotbase'}\n";
print "not a valid executable: " . Param{'webdotbase'} . "\n";
# Check .htaccess allows access to generated images
......@@ -1258,7 +1255,6 @@ if(-e "data/params") {
print "\n";
......@@ -1948,23 +1944,8 @@ if ($sth->rows == 0) {
my $pass2 = "*";
my $admin_ok = 0;
my $admin_create = 1;
my $mailcheckexp = "";
my $mailcheck = "";
# Here we look to see what the emailregexp is set to so we can
# check the email addy they enter. Bug 96675. If they have no
# params (likely but not always the case), we use the default.
if (-e "data/params") {
require "data/params"; # if they have a params file, use that
if ($::param{emailregexp}) {
$mailcheckexp = $::param{emailregexp};
$mailcheck = $::param{emailregexpdesc};
} else {
$mailcheckexp = '^[^@]+@[^@]+\\.[^@]+$';
$mailcheck = 'A legal address must contain exactly one \'@\',
and at least one \'.\' after the @.';
my $mailcheckexp = Param('emailregexp');
my $mailcheck = Param('emailregexpdesc');
print "\nLooks like we don't have an administrator set up yet. Either this is your\n";
print "first time using Bugzilla, or your administrator's privs might have accidently\n";
......@@ -25,13 +25,11 @@ use strict;
use lib qw(.);
use Bugzilla::Config qw(:DEFAULT :admin);
require "";
require "";
# Shut up misguided -w warnings about "used only once":
use vars %::param,
use vars %::MFORM;
......@@ -45,62 +43,57 @@ if (!UserInGroup("tweakparams")) {
PutHeader("Saving new parameters");
foreach my $i (@::param_list) {
# print "Processing $i...<BR>\n";
if (exists $::FORM{"reset-$i"}) {
if ($::param_type{$i} eq "s") {
my $index = get_select_param_index($i, $::param_default{$i}->[1]);
die "Param not found for '$i'" if ($index eq undef);
$::FORM{$i} = $index;
foreach my $i (GetParamList()) {
my $name = $i->{'name'};
my $value = $::FORM{$name};
if (exists $::FORM{"reset-$name"}) {
$value = $i->{'default'};
} else {
if ($i->{'type'} eq 'm') {
# This simplifies the code below
$value = \@{$::MFORM{$name}};
} else {
# Get rid of windows/mac-style line endings.
$value =~ s/\r\n?/\n/g;
# assume single linefeed is an empty string
$value =~ s/^\n$//;
elsif ($::param_type{$i} eq "m") {
# For 'multi' selects, default is the 2nd anon array of the default
@{$::MFORM{$i}} = ();
foreach my $defaultPrm (@{$::param_default{$i}->[1]}) {
my $index = get_select_param_index($i, $defaultPrm);
die "Param not found for '$i'" if ($index eq undef);
push(@{$::MFORM{$i}}, $index);
my $changed;
if ($i->{'type'} eq 'm') {
my @old = sort @{Param($name)};
my @new = sort @$value;
if (scalar(@old) != scalar(@new)) {
$changed = 1;
} else {
$changed = 0; # Assume not changed...
for (my $cnt = 0; $cnt < scalar(@old); ++$cnt) {
if ($old[$cnt] ne $new[$cnt]) {
# entry is different, therefore changed
$changed = 1;
else {
$::FORM{$i} = $::param_default{$i};
} else {
$changed = ($value eq Param($name) ? 0 : 1);
$::FORM{$i} =~ s/\r\n?/\n/g; # Get rid of windows/mac-style line endings.
$::FORM{$i} =~ s/^\n$//; # assume single linefeed is an empty string
if ($::FORM{$i} ne Param($i)) {
if (defined $::param_checker{$i}) {
my $ref = $::param_checker{$i};
my $ok = &$ref($::FORM{$i}, $i);
if ($changed) {
if (exists $i->{'checker'}) {
my $ok = $i->{'checker'}->($value, $i);
if ($ok ne "") {
print "New value for $i is invalid: $ok<p>\n";
print "New value for " . html_quote($name) .
" is invalid: $ok<p>\n";
print "Please hit <b>Back</b> and try again.\n";
print "Changed $i.<br>\n";
# print "Old: '" . url_quote(Param($i)) . "'<BR>\n";
# print "New: '" . url_quote($::FORM{$i}) . "'<BR>\n";
if ($::param_type{$i} eq "s") {
$::param{$i} = $::param_default{$i}->[0]->[$::FORM{$i}];
elsif ($::param_type{$i} eq "m") {
my $multiParamStr = "[ ";
foreach my $chosenParam (@{$::MFORM{$i}}) {
$multiParamStr .=
"'$::param_default{$i}->[0]->[$chosenParam]', ";
$multiParamStr .= " ]";
$::param{$i} = $multiParamStr;
else {
$::param{$i} = $::FORM{$i};
print "Changed " . html_quote($name) . "<br>\n";
SetParam($name, $value);
......@@ -25,13 +25,9 @@
use strict;
use lib ".";
require "";
require "";
use Bugzilla::Config qw(:DEFAULT :admin);
# Shut up misguided -w warnings about "used only once":
use vars @::param_desc,
require "";
......@@ -59,18 +55,19 @@ print "<form method=post action=doeditparams.cgi><table>\n";
my $rowbreak = "<tr><td colspan=2><hr></td></tr>";
print $rowbreak;
foreach my $i (@::param_list) {
print "<tr><th align=right valign=top>$i:</th><td>$::param_desc{$i}</td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td valign=top><input type=checkbox name=reset-$i>Reset</td><td>\n";
my $value = Param($i);
SWITCH: for ($::param_type{$i}) {
foreach my $i (GetParamList()) {
my $name = $i->{'name'};
my $value = Param($name);
print "<tr><th align=right valign=top>$name:</th><td>$i->{'desc'}</td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td valign=top><input type=checkbox name=reset-$name>Reset</td><td>\n";
SWITCH: for ($i->{'type'}) {
/^t$/ && do {
print "<input size=80 name=$i value=\"" .
print "<input size=80 name=$name value=\"" .
value_quote($value) . "\">\n";
last SWITCH;
/^l$/ && do {
print "<textarea wrap=hard name=$i rows=10 cols=80>" .
print "<textarea wrap=hard name=$name rows=10 cols=80>" .
value_quote($value) . "</textarea>\n";
last SWITCH;
......@@ -84,64 +81,60 @@ foreach my $i (@::param_list) {
$on = "";
$off = "checked";
print "<input type=radio name=$i value=1 $on>On\n";
print "<input type=radio name=$i value=0 $off>Off\n";
print "<input type=radio name=$name value=1 $on>On\n";
print "<input type=radio name=$name value=0 $off>Off\n";
last SWITCH;
/^m$/ && do {
my $optList = $::param_default{$i}->[0]; #'cause we use it so much
my @choices = @{$i->{'choices'}};
## showing 5 options seems like a nice round number; this should
## probably be configurable; if you care, file a bug ;-)
my $boxSize = scalar(@{$optList}) < 5 ? scalar(@{$optList}) : 5;
my $boxSize = scalar(@choices) < 5 ? scalar(@choices) : 5;
print "<select multiple size=\"$boxSize\" name=\"$i\">\n";
print "<select multiple size=\"$boxSize\" name=\"$name\">\n";
for (my $optNum = 0; $optNum < scalar(@{$optList}); $optNum++) {
foreach my $item (@choices) {
my $selected = "";
foreach my $selectedVal (@{$value}) {
if ($selectedVal eq $optList->[$optNum]) {
$selected = "selected";
if (lsearch($value, $item) >= 0) {
$selected = "selected";
print "<option $selected value=\"$optNum\">" .
print "<option $selected value=\"" . html_quote($item) . "\">" .
html_quote($item) . "</option>\n";
print "</select>\n";
last SWITCH;
/^s$/ && do {
print "<select name=\"$i\">\n";
#'cause we use it so much below
my $optList = $::param_default{$i}->[0];
print "<select name=\"$name\">\n";
my @choices = @{$i->{'choices'}};
for (my $optNum = 0; $optNum < scalar(@{$optList}); $optNum++) {
foreach my $item (@choices) {
my $selected = "";
if ($value eq $optList->[$optNum]) {
if ($value eq $item) {
$selected = "selected";
print "<option $selected value=\"$optNum\">" .
print "<option $selected value=\"" . html_quote($item) . "\">" .
html_quote($item) . "</option>\n";
print "</select>\n";
last SWITCH;
print "<font color=red><blink>Unknown param type $::param_type{$i}!!!</blink></font>\n";
print "<font color=red><blink>Unknown param type $i->{'type'}!!!</blink></font>\n";
print "</td></tr>\n";
print $rowbreak;
print "<tr><th align=right valign=top>version:</th><td>
What version of Bugzilla this is. This can't be modified here, but
<tt>%version%</tt> can be used as a parameter in places that understand
such parameters</td></tr>
<tr><td></td><td>" . Param('version') . "</td></tr>";
What version of Bugzilla this is. This can't be modified.
<tr><td></td><td>" . $Bugzilla::Config::VERSION . "</td></tr>";
print "</table>\n";
......@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@
use strict;
use Bugzilla::Util;
# Bring ChmodDataFile in until this is all moved to the module
use Bugzilla::Config qw(:DEFAULT ChmodDataFile);
# Shut up misguided -w warnings about "used only once". For some reason,
# "use vars" chokes on me when I try it here.
......@@ -53,7 +55,6 @@ sub globals_pl_sillyness {
$zz = @main::legal_target_milestone;
$zz = @main::legal_versions;
$zz = @main::milestoneurl;
$zz = %main::param_type;
$zz = %main::proddesc;
$zz = @main::prodmaxvotes;
$zz = $main::superusergroupset;
......@@ -67,12 +68,8 @@ sub globals_pl_sillyness {
# here
$::db_host = "localhost";
$::db_port = 3306;
$::db_name = "bugs";
$::db_user = "bugs";
$::db_pass = "";
# XXX - Move this to Bugzilla::Config once code which uses these has moved out
# of
do 'localconfig';
use DBI;
......@@ -99,9 +96,6 @@ $::ENV{'PATH'} = '';
# Contains the version string for the current running Bugzilla.
$::param{'version'} = '2.17';
$::dontchange = "--do_not_change--";
$::chooseone = "--Choose_one:--";
$::defaultqueryname = "(Default query)";
......@@ -119,18 +113,6 @@ $::superusergroupset = "9223372036854775807";
#$::SIG{__DIE__} = \&die_with_dignity;
# Some files in the data directory must be world readable iff we don't have
# a webserver group. Call this function to do this.
sub ChmodDataFile($$) {
my ($file, $mask) = @_;
my $perm = 0770;
if ((stat('data'))[2] & 0002) {
$perm = 0777;
$perm = $perm & $mask;
chmod $perm,$file;
sub ConnectToDatabase {
my ($useshadow) = (@_);
if (!defined $::db) {
......@@ -346,70 +328,7 @@ sub GetFieldID {
return $fieldid;
# Generate a string which, when later interpreted by the Perl compiler, will
# be the same as the given string.
sub PerlQuote {
my ($str) = (@_);
return SqlQuote($str);
# The below was my first attempt, but I think just using SqlQuote makes more
# sense...
# $result = "'";
# $length = length($str);
# for (my $i=0 ; $i<$length ; $i++) {
# my $c = substr($str, $i, 1);
# if ($c eq "'" || $c eq '\\') {
# $result .= '\\';
# }
# $result .= $c;
# }
# $result .= "'";
# return $result;
# Given the name of a global variable, generate Perl code that, if later
# executed, would restore the variable to its current value.
sub GenerateCode {
my ($name) = (@_);
my $result = $name . " = ";
if ($name =~ /^\$/) {
my $value = eval($name);
if (ref($value) eq "ARRAY") {
$result .= "[" . GenerateArrayCode($value) . "]";
} else {
$result .= PerlQuote(eval($name));
} elsif ($name =~ /^@/) {
my @value = eval($name);
$result .= "(" . GenerateArrayCode(\@value) . ")";
} elsif ($name =~ '%') {
$result = "";
foreach my $k (sort { uc($a) cmp uc($b)} eval("keys $name")) {
$result .= GenerateCode("\$" . substr($name, 1) .
"{" . PerlQuote($k) . "}");
return $result;
} else {
die "Can't do $name -- unacceptable variable type.";
$result .= ";\n";
return $result;
sub GenerateArrayCode {
my ($ref) = (@_);
my @list;
foreach my $i (@$ref) {
push @list, PerlQuote($i);
return join(',', @list);
# XXXX - this needs to go away
sub GenerateVersionTable {
SendSQL("SELECT versions.value, " .
"FROM versions, products " .
......@@ -505,8 +424,9 @@ sub GenerateVersionTable {
print FID "# Any changes you make will be overwritten.\n";
print FID "#\n";
print FID GenerateCode('@::log_columns');
print FID GenerateCode('%::versions');
use Data::Dumper;
print FID Data::Dumper->Dump([\@::log_columns, \%::versions],
['*::log_columns', '*::versions']);
foreach my $i (@list) {
if (!defined $::components{$i}) {
......@@ -514,18 +434,23 @@ sub GenerateVersionTable {
@::legal_versions = sort {uc($a) cmp uc($b)} keys(%varray);
print FID GenerateCode('@::legal_versions');
print FID GenerateCode('%::components');
print FID Data::Dumper->Dump([\@::legal_versions, \%::components],
['*::legal_versions', '*::components']);
@::legal_components = sort {uc($a) cmp uc($b)} keys(%carray);
print FID GenerateCode('@::legal_components');
foreach my $i('product', 'priority', 'severity', 'platform', 'opsys',
'bug_status', 'resolution') {
print FID GenerateCode('@::legal_' . $i);
print FID GenerateCode('@::settable_resolution');
print FID GenerateCode('%::proddesc');
print FID GenerateCode('@::enterable_products');
print FID GenerateCode('%::prodmaxvotes');
print FID Data::Dumper->Dump([\@::legal_components, \@::legal_product,
\@::legal_priority, \@::legal_severity,
\@::legal_platform, \@::legal_opsys,
\@::legal_bug_status, \@::legal_resolution],
['*::legal_components', '*::legal_product',
'*::legal_priority', '*::legal_severity',
'*::legal_platform', '*::legal_opsys',
'*::legal_bug_status', '*::legal_resolution']);
print FID Data::Dumper->Dump([\@::settable_resolution, \%::proddesc,
\@::enterable_products, \%::prodmaxvotes],
['*::settable_resolution', '*::proddesc',
'*::enterable_products', '*::prodmaxvotes']);
if ($dotargetmilestone) {
# reading target milestones in from the database -
......@@ -548,9 +473,12 @@ sub GenerateVersionTable {
print FID GenerateCode('%::target_milestone');
print FID GenerateCode('@::legal_target_milestone');
print FID GenerateCode('%::milestoneurl');
print FID Data::Dumper->Dump([\%::target_milestone,
SendSQL("SELECT id, name FROM keyworddefs ORDER BY name");
......@@ -560,11 +488,13 @@ sub GenerateVersionTable {
$name = lc($name);
$::keywordsbyname{$name} = $id;
print FID GenerateCode('@::legal_keywords');
print FID GenerateCode('%::keywordsbyname');
print FID Data::Dumper->Dump([\@::legal_keywords, \%::keywordsbyname],
['*::legal_keywords', '*::keywordsbyname']);
print FID "1;\n";
close FID;
rename $tmpname, "data/versioncache" || die "Can't rename $tmpname to versioncache";
ChmodDataFile('data/versioncache', 0666);
......@@ -589,10 +519,6 @@ sub ModTime {
return $mtime;
# This proc must be called before using legal_product or the versions array.
$::VersionTableLoaded = 0;
sub GetVersionTable {
return if $::VersionTableLoaded;
......@@ -617,7 +543,6 @@ sub GetVersionTable {
$::VersionTableLoaded = 1;
# Validates a given username as a new username
# returns 1 if valid, 0 if invalid
sub ValidateNewUser {
......@@ -1429,48 +1354,6 @@ sub RemoveVotes {
sub Param ($) {
my ($value) = (@_);
if (! defined $::param{$value}) {
# Um, maybe we haven't sourced in the params at all yet.
if (stat("data/params")) {
# Write down and restore the version # here. That way, we get
# around anyone who maliciously tries to tweak the version number
# by editing the params file. Not to mention that in 2.0, there
# was a bug that wrote the version number out to the params file...
my $v = $::param{'version'};
require "data/params";
$::param{'version'} = $v;
if (! defined $::param{$value}) {
# Well, that didn't help. Maybe it's a new param, and the user
# hasn't defined anything for it. Try and load a default value
# for it.
require "";
# If it's still not defined, we're pimped.
die "Can't find param named $value" if (! defined $::param{$value});
## Check to make sure the entry in $::param_type is there; if we don't, we
## get 'use of uninitialized constant' errors (see bug 162217).
## Interestingly enough, placing this check in the die above causes
## deaths on some params (the "languages" param?) because they don't have
## a type? Odd... seems like a bug to me... but what do I know? -jpr
if (defined $::param_type{$value} && $::param_type{$value} eq "m") {
my $valueList = eval($::param{$value});
return $valueList if (!($@) && ref($valueList) eq "ARRAY");
die "Multi-list param '$value' eval() failure ('$@'); data/params is horked";
else {
return $::param{$value};
# Take two comma or space separated strings and return what
# values were removed from or added to the new one.
sub DiffStrings {
......@@ -1768,6 +1651,9 @@ $::vars =
# User Agent - useful for detecting in templates
'user_agent' => $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'} ,
# Bugzilla version
'VERSION' => $Bugzilla::Config::VERSION,
......@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ unless ($exporter =~ /($movers)/) {
my $xml = "";
$xml .= Bug::XML_Header( Param("urlbase"), $::param{'version'},
$xml .= Bug::XML_Header( Param("urlbase"), $Bugzilla::Config::VERSION,
Param("maintainer"), $exporter );
print "<P>\n";
foreach my $id (split(/:/, $::FORM{'buglist'})) {
......@@ -23,6 +23,10 @@
use strict;
use lib qw(.);
use Bugzilla::Config qw(:DEFAULT :admin);
require "";
require "";
......@@ -106,7 +110,7 @@ if ($shutdown) {
# Record the old shutdownhtml so it can be restored at the end (this will
# only be an issue if we are called using the -force command line param)
$wasshutdown = Param("shutdownhtml");
$::param{'shutdownhtml'} = $shutdown_msg;
SetParam('shutdownhtml', $shutdown_msg);
# Now we need to wait for existing connections to this database to clear. We
# do this by looking for connections to the main or shadow database using
......@@ -143,7 +147,7 @@ if ($shutdown) {
# this happening.
Verbose ("*** Waited for 10 minutes and there were still active \n" .
" connections to the bugzilla database. Giving up.");
$::param{'shutdownhtml'} = $wasshutdown;
SetParam('shutdownhtml', $wasshutdown);
......@@ -153,7 +157,7 @@ if ($shutdown) {
my $wasusing = Param("queryagainstshadowdb");
$::param{'queryagainstshadowdb'} = 1; # Force us to be able to use the
SetParam('queryagainstshadowdb', 1); # Force us to be able to use the
# shadowdb, even if other processes
# are not supposed to.
......@@ -185,13 +189,13 @@ if (!$syncall) {
if ($syncall) {
Verbose("Syncing up the shadow database by copying entire database in.");
if ($wasusing) {
$::param{'queryagainstshadowdb'} = 0;
if (! $shutdown) {
Verbose("Disabled reading from the shadowdb. Sleeping 10 seconds to let other procs catch up.");
$::param{'queryagainstshadowdb'} = 1;
SetParam('queryagainstshadowdb', 1);
my @tables;
......@@ -271,12 +275,12 @@ if ($syncall) {
if ($wasusing) {
Verbose("Reenabling other processes to read from the shadow db");
$::param{'queryagainstshadowdb'} = 1;
SetParam('queryagainstshadowdb', 1);
if ($shutdown) {
Verbose("Restoring the original shutdown message (if any)");
$::param{'shutdownhtml'} = $wasshutdown;
SetParam('shutdownhtml', $wasshutdown);
Verbose("OK, done.");
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
<font color="#FFFFFF" size="8"><center>
Bugzilla Version [% Param("version") %]
Bugzilla Version [% VERSION %]
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ my $exporter = $::COOKIE{"Bugzilla_login"} || undef;
my @ids = split (/[, ]+/, $::FORM{'id'});
print "Content-type: text/xml\n\n";
print Bug::XML_Header(Param("urlbase"), $::param{'version'},
print Bug::XML_Header(Param("urlbase"), $Bugzilla::Config::VERSION,
Param("maintainer"), $exporter);
foreach my $id (@ids) {
my $bug = new Bug(trim($id), $::userid);
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