Commit 4c3c583a authored by's avatar

Bug 499121 - Cache user objects for Bug::GetComments

parent 4e81c961
......@@ -3043,9 +3043,13 @@ sub GetComments {
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
# Cache the users we look up
my %users;
while (my $comment_ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
my %comment = %$comment_ref;
$comment{'author'} = new Bugzilla::User($comment{'userid'});
$users{$comment{'userid'}} ||= new Bugzilla::User($comment{'userid'});
$comment{'author'} = $users{$comment{'userid'}};
# If raw data is requested, do not format 'special' comments.
$comment{'body'} = format_comment(\%comment) unless $raw;
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