Commit 5683ca47 authored by's avatar

Majorly changed querying of email addresses.

parent ccb7eb4d
......@@ -11,6 +11,12 @@ will tell you what has been changed in the last week.
1/18/99 You can now query by CC. To make this perform reasonably, the CC table
needs some indices. The following MySQL does the necessary stuff:
alter table cc add index (bug_id), add index (who);
1/15/99 The op_sys field can now be queried by (and more easily tweaked).
To make this perform reasonably, it needs an index. The following MySQL
command will create the necessary index:
......@@ -63,6 +69,17 @@ entries:
alter table bugs change column op_sys op_sys enum("All", "Windows 3.1", "Windows 95", "Windows 98", "Windows NT", "Mac System 7", "Mac System 7.5", "Mac System 7.1.6", "Mac System 8.0", "AIX", "BSDI", "HP-UX", "IRIX", "Linux", "OSF/1", "Solaris", "SunOS", "other") not null, change column rep_platform rep_platform enum("All", "DEC", "HP", "Macintosh", "PC", "SGI", "Sun", "Other");
11/20/98 Added searching of CC field. To better support this, added
some indexes to the CC table. You probably want to execute the following
mysql commands:
alter table cc add index (bug_id);
alter table cc add index (who);
10/27/98 security check for legal products in place. bug charts are not
available as an option if has never been run. all products
get daily stats collected now. README updated: Chart::Base is listed as
......@@ -195,6 +195,7 @@ bugs.product,
$query .= "
from bugs,
profiles assign,
......@@ -206,6 +207,15 @@ and bugs.product = projector.program
and bugs.version = projector.value
if ((defined $::FORM{'emailcc1'} && $::FORM{'emailcc1'}) ||
(defined $::FORM{'emailcc2'} && $::FORM{'emailcc2'})) {
# We need to poke into the CC table. Do weird SQL left join stuff so that
# we can look in the CC table, but won't reject any bugs that don't have
# any CC fields.
$query =~ s/bugs,/bugs left join cc using (bug_id) left join profiles ccname on cc.who = ccname.userid,/;
if (defined $::FORM{'sql'}) {
$query .= "and (\n$::FORM('sql')\n)"
} else {
......@@ -244,6 +254,61 @@ if (defined $::FORM{'sql'}) {
foreach my $id ("1", "2") {
my $email = trim($::FORM{"email$id"});
if ($email eq "") {
my $qemail = SqlQuote($email);
my $type = $::FORM{"emailtype$id"};
my $emailid;
if ($type eq "exact") {
$emailid = DBNameToIdAndCheck($email);
my $foundone = 0;
my $lead= "and (\n";
foreach my $field ("assigned_to", "reporter", "cc") {
my $doit = $::FORM{"email$field$id"};
if (!$doit) {
$foundone = 1;
my $table;
if ($field eq "assigned_to") {
$table = "assign";
} elsif ($field eq "reporter") {
$table = "report";
} else {
$table = "ccname";
if ($type eq "exact") {
if ($field eq "cc") {
$query .= "\t$lead cc.who = $emailid\n";
} else {
$query .= "\t$lead $field = $emailid\n";
} elsif ($type eq "regexp") {
$query .= "\t$lead $table.login_name regexp $qemail\n";
} else {
$query .= "\t$lead instr($table.login_name, $qemail)\n";
$lead = " or ";
if (!$foundone) {
print "You must specify one or more fields in which to search for <tt>$email</tt>.\n";
if ($lead eq " or ") {
$query .= ")\n";
if (defined $::FORM{'changedin'}) {
my $c = trim($::FORM{'changedin'});
if ($c ne "") {
<html> <head>
<title>Help on searching by email address.</title>
<h1>Help on searching by email address.</h1>
This used to be simpler, but not very powerful. Now it's really
powerful and useful, but it may not be obvious how to use it...
To search for bugs associated with an email address:
<li> Type a portion of an email address into the text field.
<li> Select which fields of the bug you expect that address to be in
the bugs you're looking for.
You can look for up to two different email addresses; if you specify
both, then only bugs which match both will show up. This is useful to
find bugs that were, for example, created by Ralph and assigned to
You can also use the drop down menus to specify whether you want to
match addresses by doing a substring match, by using regular
expressions, or by exactly matching a fully specified email address.
</body> </html>
......@@ -29,7 +29,10 @@ mysql << OK_ALL_DONE
use bugs;
create table cc (
bug_id mediumint not null,
who mediumint not null
who mediumint not null,
......@@ -58,7 +58,11 @@ my %type;
foreach my $name ("bug_status", "resolution", "assigned_to", "rep_platform",
"priority", "bug_severity", "product", "reporter", "op_sys",
"component", "version") {
"component", "version",
"email1", "emailtype1", "emailreporter1",
"emailassigned_to1", "emailcc1",
"email2", "emailtype2", "emailreporter2",
"emailassigned_to2", "emailcc2") {
$default{$name} = "";
$type{$name} = 0;
......@@ -100,8 +104,67 @@ print "Set-Cookie: BUGLIST=
Content-type: text/html\n\n";
my $who = GeneratePeopleInput("assigned_to", $default{"assigned_to"});
my $reporter = GeneratePeopleInput("reporter", $default{"reporter"});
sub GenerateEmailInput {
my ($id) = (@_);
my $defstr = value_quote($default{"email$id"});
my $deftype = $default{"emailtype$id"};
if ($deftype eq "") {
$deftype = "substring";
my $assignedto = ($default{"emailassigned_to$id"} eq "1") ? "checked" : "";
my $reporter = ($default{"emailreporter$id"} eq "1") ? "checked" : "";
my $cc = ($default{"emailcc$id"} eq "1") ? "checked" : "";
if ($assignedto eq "" && $reporter eq "" && $cc eq "") {
if ($id eq "1") {
$assignedto = "checked";
} else {
$reporter = "checked";
return qq|
<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
<td rowspan=2 valign=top><a href="helpemailquery.html">Email:</a>
<input name="email$id" size="30" value="">&nbsp;matching as
<SELECT NAME=emailtype$id>
<OPTION VALUE="regexp">regexp
<OPTION SELECTED VALUE="substring">substring
<OPTION VALUE="exact">exact
<input type="checkbox" name="emailassigned_to$id" value=1 $assignedto>Assigned To
<input type="checkbox" name="emailreporter$id" value=1 $reporter>Reporter
<td align=right>(Will match any of the selected fields)</td>
<input type="checkbox" name="emailcc$id" value=1 $cc>CC &nbsp;&nbsp;
my $emailinput1 = GenerateEmailInput(1);
my $emailinput2 = GenerateEmailInput(2);
# Muck the "legal product" list so that the default one is always first (and
......@@ -164,12 +227,12 @@ print "
<TR><TD ALIGN=RIGHT><B><A HREF=\"bug_status.html#assigned_to\">Assigned To:</a></B><TD>$who
<TR><TD ALIGN=RIGHT><B>Reporter:</B><TD>$reporter
<NOBR>Changed in the last <INPUT NAME=changedin SIZE=2> days.</NOBR>
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