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Commit 569c6b69 authored by Max Kanat-Alexander's avatar Max Kanat-Alexander

Bug 574995: Make the WebService return reporter, attachment submitter, and

commenter all as "creator" r=timello, a=mkanat
parent 6576acae
......@@ -266,6 +266,7 @@ use constant MAX_LINE_LENGTH => 254;
# use.)
use constant FIELD_MAP => {
creation_time => 'creation_ts',
creator => 'reporter',
description => 'comment',
id => 'bug_id',
last_change_time => 'delta_ts',
......@@ -290,6 +290,7 @@ sub _translate_comment {
return filter $filters, {
id => $self->type('int', $comment->id),
bug_id => $self->type('int', $comment->bug_id),
creator => $self->type('string', $comment->author->login),
author => $self->type('string', $comment->author->login),
time => $self->type('dateTime', $comment->creation_ts),
is_private => $self->type('boolean', $comment->is_private),
......@@ -695,8 +696,6 @@ sub _attachment_to_hash {
# Skipping attachment flags for now.
delete $attach->{flags};
my $attacher = new Bugzilla::User($attach->attacher->id);
return filter $filters, {
creation_time => $self->type('dateTime', $attach->attached),
last_change_time => $self->type('dateTime', $attach->modification_time),
......@@ -709,7 +708,8 @@ sub _attachment_to_hash {
is_obsolete => $self->type('int', $attach->isobsolete),
is_url => $self->type('int', $attach->isurl),
is_patch => $self->type('int', $attach->ispatch),
attacher => $self->type('string', $attacher->login)
creator => $self->type('string', $attach->attacher->login),
attacher => $self->type('string', $attach->attacher->login),
......@@ -1098,10 +1098,14 @@ parameter enabled.
C<boolean> True if the attachment is a patch, False otherwise.
=item C<attacher>
=item C<creator>
C<string> The login name of the user that created the attachment.
Also returned as C<attacher>, for backwards-compatibility with older
Bugzillas. (However, this backwards-compatibility will go away in Bugzilla
=item B<Errors>
......@@ -1125,6 +1129,9 @@ private attachments.
=item Added in Bugzilla B<3.6>.
=item In Bugzilla B<4.0>, the C<attacher> return value was renamed to
......@@ -1219,10 +1226,14 @@ ID of that attachment. Otherwise it will be null.
C<string> The actual text of the comment.
=item author
=item creator
C<string> The login name of the comment's author.
Also returned as C<author>, for backwards-compatibility with older
Bugzillas. (However, this backwards-compatibility will go away in Bugzilla
=item time
C<dateTime> The time (in Bugzilla's timezone) that the comment was added.
......@@ -1263,6 +1274,9 @@ that id.
=item C<attachment_id> was added to the return value in Bugzilla B<3.6>.
=item In Bugzilla B<4.0>, the C<author> return value was renamed to
......@@ -1643,6 +1657,10 @@ don't want this, be sure to also specify the C<product> argument.
C<dateTime> Searches for bugs that were created at this time or later.
May not be an array.
=item C<creator>
C<string> The login name of the user who created the bug.
=item C<id>
C<int> The numeric id of the bug.
......@@ -1679,10 +1697,13 @@ C<string> The Priority field on a bug.
C<string> The name of the Product that the bug is in.
=item C<reporter>
=item C<creator>
C<string> The login name of the user who reported the bug.
You can also pass this argument with the name C<reporter>, for
backwards compatibility with older Bugzillas.
=item C<resolution>
C<string> The current resolution--only set if a bug is closed. You can
......@@ -1763,6 +1784,9 @@ for that value.
=item Searching by C<votes> was removed in Bugzilla B<4.0>.
=item The C<reporter> input parameter was renamed to C<creator>
in Bugzilla B<4.0>.
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