Commit 739ded0e authored by's avatar

Added much more crosschecks, and simplified a lot of the code.

parent be3befce
......@@ -55,6 +55,36 @@ sub AlertBadVoteCache {
$offervotecacherebuild = 1;
sub CrossCheck {
my $table = shift @_;
my $field = shift @_;
Status("Checking references to $table.$field");
SendSQL("SELECT DISTINCT $field FROM $table");
my %valid;
while (MoreSQLData()) {
$valid{FetchOneColumn()} = 1;
while (@_) {
my $ref = shift @_;
my $t2 = shift @$ref;
my $f2 = shift @$ref;
my %exceptions;
foreach my $v (@$ref) {
$exceptions{$v} = 1;
Status("... from $t2.$f2");
while (MoreSQLData()) {
my $value = FetchOneColumn();
if (!$valid{$value} && !$exceptions{$value}) {
Alert("Bad value $value found in $t2.$f2");
my @row;
my @checklist;
......@@ -80,6 +110,34 @@ if (exists $::FORM{'rebuildvotecache'}) {
print "OK, now running sanity checks.<P>\n";
CrossCheck("keyworddefs", "id",
["keywords", "keywordid"]);
CrossCheck("fielddefs", "fieldid",
["bugs_activity", "fieldid"]);
CrossCheck("bugs", "bug_id",
["bugs_activity", "bug_id"],
["attachments", "bug_id"],
["cc", "bug_id"],
["longdescs", "bug_id"],
["dependencies", "blocked"],
["dependencies", "dependson"],
["votes", "bug_id"],
["keywords", "bug_id"]);
CrossCheck("profiles", "userid",
["bugs", "reporter"],
["bugs", "assigned_to"],
["bugs", "qa_contact", 0],
["attachments", "submitter_id"],
["bugs_activity", "who"],
["cc", "who"],
["votes", "who"],
["longdescs", "who"]);
Status("Checking passwords");
SendSQL("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM profiles WHERE cryptpassword != ENCRYPT(password, left(cryptpassword, 2))");
my $count = FetchOneColumn();
......@@ -154,47 +212,28 @@ foreach my $ref (@checklist) {
Status("Checking profile ids");
SendSQL("select userid,login_name from profiles");
my %profid;
Status("Checking profile logins");
my $emailregexp = Param("emailregexp");
while (@row = FetchSQLData()) {
my ($id, $email) = (@row);
if ($email =~ /$emailregexp/o) {
$profid{$id} = 1;
} else {
Alert "Bad profile id $id &lt;$email&gt;."
SendSQL("SELECT userid, login_name FROM profiles " .
"WHERE login_name NOT REGEXP " . SqlQuote($emailregexp));
undef $profid{0};
while (my ($id,$email) = (FetchSQLData())) {
Alert "Bad profile email address, id=$id, &lt;$email&gt;."
Status("Checking reporter/assigned_to/qa_contact ids");
SendSQL("SELECT bug_id,reporter,assigned_to,qa_contact,votes,keywords " .
"FROM bugs");
SendSQL("SELECT bug_id,votes,keywords FROM bugs " .
"WHERE votes != 0 OR keywords != ''");
my %votes;
my %bugid;
my %keyword;
while (@row = FetchSQLData()) {
my($id, $reporter, $assigned_to, $qa_contact, $v, $k) = (@row);
$bugid{$id} = 1;
if (!defined $profid{$reporter}) {
Alert("Bad reporter $reporter in " . BugLink($id));
if (!defined $profid{$assigned_to}) {
Alert("Bad assigned_to $assigned_to in" . BugLink($id));
if ($qa_contact != 0 && !defined $profid{$qa_contact}) {
Alert("Bad qa_contact $qa_contact in" . BugLink($id));
my($id, $v, $k) = (@row);
if ($v != 0) {
$votes{$id} = $v;
......@@ -247,9 +286,6 @@ my $lastid;
my $lastk;
while (@row = FetchSQLData()) {
my ($id, $k) = (@row);
if (!defined $bugid{$id}) {
Alert("Bad bugid " . BugLink($id));
if (!$keywordids{$k}) {
Alert("Bogus keywordids $k found in keywords table");
......@@ -325,58 +361,6 @@ if (@fixlist) {
Status("Checking CC table");
SendSQL("select bug_id,who from cc");
while (@row = FetchSQLData()) {
my ($id, $cc) = (@row);
if (!defined $profid{$cc}) {
Alert("Bad cc $cc in " . BugLink($id));
Status("Checking activity table");
SendSQL("select bug_id,who,fieldid from bugs_activity");
my @fieldids;
while (@row = FetchSQLData()) {
my ($id, $who, $f) = (@row);
if (!defined $bugid{$id}) {
Alert("Bad bugid " . BugLink($id));
if (!defined $profid{$who}) {
Alert("Bad who $who in " . BugLink($id));
$fieldids[$f] = 1;
for (my $f = 0 ; $f < @fieldids ; $f++) {
if ($fieldids[$f]) {
SendSQL("SELECT name FROM fielddefs WHERE fieldid = $f");
my $name = FetchOneColumn();
if (!$name) {
Alert("Bad fieldid $f in bugs_activity");
Status("Checking dependency table");
SendSQL("select blocked, dependson from dependencies");
while (@row = FetchSQLData()) {
my ($blocked, $dependson) = (@row);
if (!defined $bugid{$blocked}) {
Alert("Bad blocked " . BugLink($blocked));
if (!defined $bugid{$dependson}) {
Alert("Bad dependson " . BugLink($dependson));
Status("Sanity check completed.");
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