Fix for bug 154008: some basic (but incomplete) maintenance on,…

Fix for bug 154008: some basic (but incomplete) maintenance on, also fixes a possible security hole with a misuse of a system() call. Patches by Erik Anderson <> and Brad Baetz <> r= myk, justdave
parent 689a307b
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
# You need to work with the MIME::Parser installed.
# $Id:,v 1.9 2001/05/25 12:48:47 Exp $
# $Id:,v 1.10 2002/07/25 01:47:19 Exp $
# 02/12/2000 (SML)
......@@ -70,7 +70,9 @@ use diagnostics;
use strict;
use MIME::Parser;
push @INC, "../."; # this script now lives in contrib
chdir '..'; # this script lives in contrib
push @INC, "contrib/.";
push @INC, ".";
require "";
require "";
......@@ -736,10 +738,10 @@ my $parser = new MIME::Parser;
# Create and set the output directory:
# FIXME: There should be a $BUGZILLA_HOME variable (SML)
(-d "../data/mimedump-tmp") or mkdir "../data/mimedump-tmp",0755 or die "mkdir: $!";
(-w "../data/mimedump-tmp") or die "can't write to directory";
(-d "data/mimedump-tmp") or mkdir "data/mimedump-tmp",0755 or die "mkdir: $!";
(-w "data/mimedump-tmp") or die "can't write to directory";
# Read the MIME message:
my $entity = $parser->read(\*STDIN) or die "couldn't parse MIME stream";
......@@ -1233,8 +1235,14 @@ END
my $long_desc_query = "INSERT INTO longdescs SET bug_id=$id, who=$userid, bug_when=\'$bug_when\', thetext=" . SqlQuote($comment);
# Cool, the mail was successfull
system("cd .. ; ./processmail $id '$Sender'");
# Cool, the mail was successful
# chdir back to the main directory which has the processmail script
# Oh, for a processmail module....
use Cwd;
my $old_cwd = getcwd();
system("./processmail", $id, $SenderShort);
} else {
$id = 0xFFFF; # TEST !
print "\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
......@@ -32,7 +32,9 @@ use diagnostics;
use strict;
use MIME::Parser;
push @INC, "../."; # this script lives in contrib
chdir ".."; # this script lives in contrib, change to main
push @INC, "contrib";
push @INC, "."; # this script lives in contrib
require "";
require "";
......@@ -43,10 +45,10 @@ my $Comment = "";
# Create and set the output directory:
# FIXME: There should be a $BUGZILLA_HOME variable (SML)
(-d "../data/mimedump-tmp") or mkdir "../data/mimedump-tmp",0755 or die "mkdir: $!";
(-w "../data/mimedump-tmp") or die "can't write to directory";
(-d "data/mimedump-tmp") or mkdir "data/mimedump-tmp",0755 or die "mkdir: $!";
(-w "data/mimedump-tmp") or die "can't write to directory";
# Read the MIME message:
my $entity = $parser->read(\*STDIN) or die "couldn't parse MIME stream";
......@@ -120,6 +122,7 @@ system("cd .. ; ./processmail $found_id '$SenderShort'");
sub DealWithError {
my ($reason) = @_;
print $reason . "\n";
exit 100;
# Yanking this wholesale from bug_email, 'cause I know this works. I'll
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