Commit 7b1ba221 authored by's avatar

Bug 225973: Fix logins on systems that use Blorfish for crypt(). r=wurblzap, a=myk

parent 8c3f0e1a
......@@ -1919,7 +1919,7 @@ $table{products} =
$table{profiles} =
'userid mediumint not null auto_increment primary key,
login_name varchar(255) not null,
cryptpassword varchar(34),
cryptpassword varchar(128),
realname varchar(255),
disabledtext mediumtext not null,
mybugslink tinyint not null default 1,
......@@ -3196,6 +3196,12 @@ if (-d 'shadow') {
DropField("profiles", "emailnotification");
DropField("profiles", "newemailtech");
# 2003-11-19;; bug 225973: fix field size to accomodate
# wider algorithms such as Blowfish. Note that this needs to be run
# before recrypting passwords in the following block.
ChangeFieldType('profiles', 'cryptpassword', 'varchar(128)');
# 2001-06-12;; bugs 74032, 77473:
# Recrypt passwords using Perl &crypt instead of the mysql equivalent
# and delete plaintext passwords from the database.
......@@ -3226,10 +3232,8 @@ ENDTEXT
print "$i... Done.\n";
# Drop the plaintext password field and resize the cryptpassword field.
# Drop the plaintext password field.
DropField('profiles', 'password');
ChangeFieldType('profiles', 'cryptpassword', 'varchar(34)');
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