Re-fix for bug 21253: fix calling conventions for syncshadowdb so that a phony…

Re-fix for bug 21253: fix calling conventions for syncshadowdb so that a phony parameter to get past the multi-param system() test in tinderbox actually works. r= tara
parent 0f520772
......@@ -117,10 +117,11 @@ sub SyncAnyPendingShadowChanges {
} elsif (defined $pid) {
# child process code runs here
exec("./syncshadowdb",[]) or die "Unable to exec syncshadowdb: $!";
# passing the empty list as a second parameter tricks it into
# using execvp instead of running a shell, but still doesn't
# pass any parameters to syncshadowdb
exec("./syncshadowdb","--") or die "Unable to exec syncshadowdb: $!";
# the idea was that passing the second parameter tricks it into
# using execvp instead of running a shell. Not really necessary since
# there are no shell meta-characters, but it passes our tinderbox
# test that way. :)
} elsif ($! =~ /No more process/) {
# recoverable fork error, try again in 5 seconds
sleep 5;
......@@ -51,6 +51,9 @@ foreach my $opt (@ARGV) {
} elsif ($opt eq '-syncall') {
$syncall = 1;
$verbose = 1;
} elsif ($opt eq '--') {
# do nothing - null parameter so we can use
# multi-param system() call in
} else {
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