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Commit 8239b8eb authored by's avatar

Fix for bug #40987

parent ad903083
......@@ -237,7 +237,15 @@ my $platform_popup = make_popup('rep_platform', \@::legal_platform,
pickplatform(), 0);
my $opsys_popup = make_popup('op_sys', \@::legal_opsys, pickos(), 0);
if (1 == @{$::components{$product}}) {
if (0 == $::components{$product}) {
print "<H1>Permission Denied</H1>\n";
print "Sorry. You need to have at least one component for this product\n";
print "in order to create a new bug. Go to the \"Components\" link to create\n";
print "a new component\n";
print "<P>\n";
} elsif (1 == @{$::components{$product}}) {
# Only one component; just pick it.
$::FORM{'component'} = $::components{$product}->[0];
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