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Commit 830a47d2 authored by's avatar

fix for 61648: SQL inserts do not match constraints

patch submitted by (Kevin Brannen) change checksetup inserts to match database constraints.
parent 05396caa
......@@ -820,10 +820,10 @@ $table{profiles} =
realname varchar(255),
groupset bigint not null,
emailnotification enum("ExcludeSelfChanges", "CConly", "All") not null default "ExcludeSelfChanges",
disabledtext mediumtext not null,
newemailtech tinyint not null,
disabledtext mediumtext,
newemailtech tinyint not null default 1,
mybugslink tinyint not null default 1,
blessgroupset bigint not null,
blessgroupset bigint not null default 0,
emailflags mediumtext,
......@@ -1001,9 +1001,9 @@ sub AddGroup {
print "Adding group $name ...\n";
$sth = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO groups
(bit, name, description, userregexp)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)');
$sth->execute($bit, $name, $desc, $userregexp);
(bit, name, description, userregexp, isbuggroup)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)');
$sth->execute($bit, $name, $desc, $userregexp, 0);
return $bit;
......@@ -1044,16 +1044,17 @@ my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT product FROM products");
unless ($sth->rows) {
print "Creating initial dummy product 'TestProduct' ...\n";
$dbh->do('INSERT INTO products(product, description) VALUES ("TestProduct",
$dbh->do('INSERT INTO products(product, description, milestoneurl, disallownew, votesperuser, votestoconfirm) VALUES ("TestProduct",
"This is a test product. This ought to be blown away and ' .
'replaced with real stuff in a finished installation of ' .
'bugzilla.", "", 0, 0, 0)');
$dbh->do('INSERT INTO versions (value, program) VALUES ("other", "TestProduct")');
$dbh->do('INSERT INTO components (value, program, description) VALUES (' .
$dbh->do('INSERT INTO components (value, program, description, initialowner, initialqacontact)
'"TestComponent", "TestProduct", ' .
'"This is a test component in the test product database. ' .
'This ought to be blown away and replaced with real stuff in ' .
'a finished installation of bugzilla.")');
'a finished installation of bugzilla.", "", "")');
$dbh->do('INSERT INTO milestones (product, value) VALUES ("TestProduct","---")');
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