Commit 8e1441fe authored by's avatar

Bug 143040 - Tidy up remove parameters message in Patch by gerv; r=justdave, ddk.

parent 74bcd6f1
......@@ -903,22 +903,27 @@ if (-e "data/params") {
require "data/params";
require "";
use vars @::param_list;
my @oldparams;
open(PARAMFILE, ">>old-params.txt")
|| die "$0: Can't open old-params.txt for writing: $!\n";
foreach my $item (keys %::param) {
if (!grep($_ eq $item, @::param_list) && $item ne "version") {
print "The $item parameter is no longer used in Bugzilla,
so it has been removed from your parameters file and
written to old-params.txt.\n";
print PARAMFILE "\n\n$item:\n";
print PARAMFILE $::param{$item};
push (@oldparams, $item);
print PARAMFILE "\n\n$item:\n$::param{$item}\n";
delete $::param{$item};
if (@oldparams) {
print "The following parameters are no longer used in Bugzilla, " .
"and so have been\nremoved from your parameters file and " .
"appended to old-params.txt:\n";
print join(", ", @oldparams) . "\n\n";
......@@ -54,16 +54,7 @@ sub WriteParams {
# If Bugzilla has been upgraded since the last time parameters were edited,
# and some parameters have been removed in the new version of Bugzilla,
# remove them from the parameters file.
foreach my $item (keys %::param) {
if (!grep($_ eq $item, @::param_list) && $item ne "version") {
print "The <em>$item</em> parameter is no longer used in Bugzilla
and has been removed from your parameters file.<br>";
delete $::param{$item};
my $tmpname = "data/params.$$";
open(FID, ">$tmpname") || die "Can't create $tmpname";
my $v = $::param{'version'};
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