Commit 9178b8f1 authored by's avatar

Added a "keywords" field to a bug, which is a cached string-based copy

of all the keywords assigned to the bug. Right now, we only have code that generates and maintains this field; soon will come code that actually uses it.
parent 55a22efb
......@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ LocalVar('@platforms', '
if ($newstuff ne "") {
print "This version of Bugzilla contains some variables that you may \n",
"to change and adapt to your local settings. Please edit the file\n",
"'localconfig' and return\n\n",
"'localconfig' and rerun\n\n",
"The following variables are new to localconfig since you last ran\n",
" $newstuff\n";
......@@ -530,6 +530,9 @@ $table{bugs} =
qa_contact mediumint not null,
status_whiteboard mediumtext not null,
votes mediumint not null,
keywords mediumtext not null, ' # Note: keywords field is only a cache;
# the real data comes from the keywords table.
. '
index (assigned_to),
index (creation_ts),
......@@ -918,7 +921,7 @@ sub DropField ($$)
# 5/12/99 Added a pref to control how much email you get. This needs a new
# 1999-05-12 Added a pref to control how much email you get. This needs a new
# column in the profiles table, so feed the following to mysql:
AddField('profiles', 'emailnotification', 'enum("ExcludeSelfChanges", "CConly",
......@@ -926,7 +929,7 @@ AddField('profiles', 'emailnotification', 'enum("ExcludeSelfChanges", "CConly",
# 6/22/99 Added an entry to the attachments table to record who the
# 1999-06-22 Added an entry to the attachments table to record who the
# submitter was. Nothing uses this yet, but it still should be recorded.
AddField('attachments', 'submitter_id', 'mediumint not null');
......@@ -943,7 +946,7 @@ AddField('attachments', 'submitter_id', 'mediumint not null');
# 9/15/99 Apparently, newer alphas of MySQL won't allow you to have "when"
# 1999-9-15 Apparently, newer alphas of MySQL won't allow you to have "when"
# as a column name. So, I have had to rename a column in the bugs_activity
# table.
......@@ -951,11 +954,13 @@ RenameField ('bugs_activity', 'when', 'bug_when');
# 10/11/99 Restructured voting database to add a cached value in each bug
# 1999-10-11 Restructured voting database to add a cached value in each bug
# recording how many total votes that bug has. While I'm at it, I removed
# the unused "area" field from the bugs database. It is distressing to
# realize that the bugs table has reached the maximum number of indices
# allowed by MySQL (16), which may make future enhancements awkward.
# (P.S. All is not lost; it appears that the latest betas of MySQL support
# a new table format which will allow 32 indices.)
DropField('bugs', 'area');
AddField('bugs', 'votes', 'mediumint not null, add index (votes)');
......@@ -978,6 +983,46 @@ ChangeFieldType ('components', 'program', 'varchar(64)');
ChangeFieldType ('products', 'product', 'varchar(64)');
ChangeFieldType ('versions', 'program', 'varchar(64)');
# 2000-01-16 Added a "keywords" field to the bugs table, which
# contains a string copy of the entries of the keywords table for this
# bug. This is so that I can easily sort and display a keywords
# column in bug lists.
if (!GetFieldDef('bugs', 'keywords')) {
AddField('bugs', 'keywords', 'mediumtext not null');
my @kwords;
print "Making sure 'keywords' field of table 'bugs' is empty ...\n";
$dbh->do("UPDATE bugs SET delta_ts = delta_ts, keywords = '' " .
"WHERE keywords != ''");
print "Repopulating 'keywords' field of table 'bugs' ...\n";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT keywords.bug_id, " .
"FROM keywords, keyworddefs " .
"WHERE = keywords.keywordid " .
"ORDER BY keywords.bug_id,");
my @list;
my $bugid = 0;
my @row;
while (1) {
my ($b, $k) = ($sth->fetchrow_array());
if (!defined $b || $b ne $bugid) {
if (@list) {
$dbh->do("UPDATE bugs SET delta_ts = delta_ts, keywords = " .
$dbh->quote(join(', ', @list)) .
" WHERE bug_id = $bugid");
if (!$b) {
$bugid = $b;
@list = ();
push(@list, $k);
......@@ -455,20 +455,6 @@ sub SnapShotDeps {
sub SnapShotKeywords {
my ($id) = (@_);
FROM keyworddefs, keywords
WHERE keywords.bug_id = $id AND = keywords.keywordid
my @list;
while (MoreSQLData()) {
push(@list, FetchOneColumn());
return join(',', @list);
my $whoid = DBNameToIdAndCheck($::FORM{'who'});
my $timestamp;
......@@ -490,7 +476,6 @@ foreach my $id (@idlist) {
my %dependencychanged;
SendSQL("lock tables bugs write, bugs_activity write, cc write, profiles write, dependencies write, votes write, keywords write, keyworddefs read");
my @oldvalues = SnapShotBug($id);
my $oldkeywords = SnapShotKeywords($id);
if (defined $::FORM{'delta_ts'} && $::FORM{'delta_ts'} ne $delta_ts) {
print "
......@@ -587,18 +572,36 @@ The changes made were:
# For add, we delete things we're adding (to make sure we don't
# end up having them twice), and then we add them.
# For delete, we just delete things on the list.
my $changed = 0;
if ($keywordaction eq "makeexact") {
SendSQL("DELETE FROM keywords WHERE bug_id = $id");
$changed = 1;
foreach my $keyword (@keywordlist) {
if ($keywordaction ne "makeexact") {
SendSQL("DELETE FROM keywords
WHERE bug_id = $id AND keywordid = $keyword");
$changed = 1;
if ($keywordaction ne "delete") {
SendSQL("INSERT INTO keywords
(bug_id, keywordid) VALUES ($id, $keyword)");
$changed = 1;
if ($changed) {
FROM keyworddefs, keywords
WHERE keywords.bug_id = $id
AND = keywords.keywordid
my @list;
while (MoreSQLData()) {
push(@list, FetchOneColumn());
SendSQL("UPDATE bugs SET keywords = " .
SqlQuote(join(', ', @list)) .
" WHERE bug_id = $id");
......@@ -685,9 +688,7 @@ The changes made were:
my @newvalues = SnapShotBug($id);
push(@oldvalues, $oldkeywords);
push(@newvalues, SnapShotKeywords($id));
foreach my $c (@::log_columns, "keywords") {
foreach my $c (@::log_columns) {
my $col = $c; # We modify it, don't want to modify array
# values in place.
my $old = shift @oldvalues;
......@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ foreach my $ref (@checklist) {
Status("Checking profile ids...");
Status("Checking profile ids");
SendSQL("select userid,login_name from profiles");
......@@ -154,13 +154,15 @@ undef $profid{0};
Status("Checking reporter/assigned_to/qa_contact ids");
SendSQL("select bug_id,reporter,assigned_to,qa_contact,votes from bugs");
SendSQL("SELECT bug_id,reporter,assigned_to,qa_contact,votes,keywords " .
"FROM bugs");
my %votes;
my %bugid;
my %keyword;
while (@row = FetchSQLData()) {
my($id, $reporter, $assigned_to, $qa_contact, $v) = (@row);
my($id, $reporter, $assigned_to, $qa_contact, $v, $k) = (@row);
$bugid{$id} = 1;
if (!defined $profid{$reporter}) {
Alert("Bad reporter $reporter in " . BugLink($id));
......@@ -174,6 +176,9 @@ while (@row = FetchSQLData()) {
if ($v != 0) {
$votes{$id} = $v;
if ($k) {
$keyword{$id} = $k;
Status("Checking cached vote counts");
......@@ -199,6 +204,105 @@ if ($offervotecacherebuild) {
Status("Checking keywords table");
my %keywordids;
SendSQL("SELECT id, name FROM keyworddefs");
while (@row = FetchSQLData()) {
my ($id, $name) = (@row);
if ($keywordids{$id}) {
Alert("Duplicate entry in keyworddefs for id $id");
$keywordids{$id} = 1;
if ($name =~ /,/ || $name =~ /^\s/ || $name =~ /\s$/) {
Alert("Bogus name in keyworddefs for id $id");
SendSQL("SELECT bug_id, keywordid FROM keywords ORDER BY bug_id, keywordid");
my $lastid;
my $lastk;
while (@row = FetchSQLData()) {
my ($id, $k) = (@row);
if (!defined $bugid{$id}) {
Alert("Bad bugid " . BugLink($id));
if (!$keywordids{$k}) {
Alert("Bogus keywordids $k found in keywords table");
if (defined $lastid && $id eq $lastid && $k eq $lastk) {
Alert("Duplicate keyword ids found in bug " . BugLink($id));
$lastid = $id;
$lastk = $k;
Status("Checking cached keywords");
my %realk;
if (exists $::FORM{'rebuildkeywordcache'}) {
SendSQL("LOCK TABLES bugs write, keywords read, keyworddefs read");
SendSQL("SELECT keywords.bug_id, " .
"FROM keywords, keyworddefs " .
"WHERE = keywords.keywordid " .
"ORDER BY keywords.bug_id,");
my $lastb;
my @list;
while (1) {
my ($b, $k) = (FetchSQLData());
if (!defined $b || $b ne $lastb) {
if (@list) {
$realk{$lastb} = join(', ', @list);
if (!$b) {
$lastb = $b;
@list = ();
push(@list, $k);
my @fixlist;
foreach my $b (keys(%keyword)) {
if (!exists $realk{$b} || $realk{$b} ne $keyword{$b}) {
push(@fixlist, $b);
foreach my $b (keys(%realk)) {
if (!exists $keyword{$b}) {
push(@fixlist, $b);
if (@fixlist) {
@fixlist = sort {$a <=> $b} @fixlist;
Alert("Bug(s) found with incorrect keyword cache: " .
join(', ', @fixlist));
if (exists $::FORM{'rebuildkeywordcache'}) {
Status("OK, now fixing keyword cache.");
foreach my $b (@fixlist) {
my $k = '';
if (exists($realk{$b})) {
$k = $realk{$b};
SendSQL("UPDATE bugs SET delta_ts = delta_ts, keywords = " .
SqlQuote($k) .
" WHERE bug_id = $b");
Status("Keyword cache fixed.");
} else {
print qq{<a href="sanitycheck.cgi?rebuildkeywordcache=1">Click here to rebuild the keyword cache</a><p>\n};
Status("Checking CC table");
SendSQL("select bug_id,who from cc");
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