Commit a1ba12e2 authored by's avatar

Bug 163331 - shutdownhtml is broken. Patch by gerv; r=bbaetz.

parent ec2d9ac4
......@@ -61,10 +61,7 @@ use vars qw($template $vars);
# this message, of course, since it needs to be available in order for
# the administrator to open Bugzilla back up.
if (Param("shutdownhtml") && $0 !~ m:[\\/](do)?editparams.cgi$:) {
# The shut down message we are going to display to the user.
$::vars->{'title'} = "Bugzilla is Down";
$::vars->{'h1'} = "Bugzilla is Down";
$::vars->{'message'} = Param("shutdownhtml");
$::vars->{'message'} = "shutdown";
# Return the appropriate HTTP response headers.
print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
......@@ -252,6 +252,10 @@
intentionally cleared out the "Reassign bug to"
field, [% Param("browserbugmessage") %]
[% ELSIF message_tag == "shutdown" %]
[% title = "Bugzilla is Down" %]
[% Param("shutdownhtml") %]
[% ELSIF message_tag == "unknown_keyword" %]
[% title = "Unknown Keyword" %]
<code>[% keyword FILTER html %]</code> is not a known keyword.
Markdown is supported
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