Bug 105472 - expectbigqueries unnecessary with mysql >=3.23.2

r=jouni x2
parent 38fac175
......@@ -1397,10 +1397,6 @@ if ($serverpush) {
# query performance.
# Tell MySQL to store temporary tables on the hard drive instead of memory
# to avoid "table out of space" errors on MySQL versions less than 3.23.2.
SendSQL("SET OPTION SQL_BIG_TABLES=1") if Param('expectbigqueries');
# Normally, we ignore SIGTERM and SIGPIPE (see globals.pl) but we need to
# respond to them here to prevent someone DOSing us by reloading a query
# a large number of times.
......@@ -449,11 +449,6 @@ sub check_webdotbase {
return "";
"If this is on, then we will tell mysql to <tt>set option SQL_BIG_TABLES=1</tt> before doing queries on bugs. This will be a little slower, but one will not get the error <tt>The table ### is full</tt> for big queries that require a big temporary table.",
'This defines the regexp to use for legal email addresses. The default tries to match fully qualified email addresses. Another popular value to put here is <tt>^[^@]+$</tt>, which means "local usernames, no @ allowed."',
......@@ -49,8 +49,6 @@ UserInGroup("editbugs")
print "Content-type: text/html\n";
print "\n";
SendSQL("set SQL_BIG_TABLES=1");
my $offervotecacherebuild = 0;
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