Commit a5dfc8d0 authored by Koosha Khajeh Moogahi's avatar Koosha Khajeh Moogahi Committed by Byron Jones

Bug 794125: Make User.get ignore duplicate groups for membership look ups

r=glob, a=LpSolit
parent 64211210
......@@ -307,10 +307,12 @@ sub _filter_users_by_group {
@{ $group_ids || [] };
my @name_groups = map { Bugzilla::Group->check($_) }
@{ $group_names || [] };
push(@groups, @name_groups);
my %unique_groups;
foreach my $group (@groups, @name_groups) {
$unique_groups{$group->id} ||= $group;
my @in_group = grep { $self->_user_in_any_group($_, \@groups) }
my @in_group = grep { $self->_user_in_any_group($_, [values %unique_groups]) }
return \@in_group;
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