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Commit aff82a96 authored by's avatar

Fix some nits that I forgot to fix on checkin for bug 474715.

parent db7cfa42
......@@ -168,7 +168,6 @@ sub match {
elsif ( $field eq 'WHERE' ) {
next unless $value;
# the WHERE value is a hashref where the keys are
# "column_name operator ?" and values are the placeholder's
# value.
......@@ -662,7 +661,7 @@ clauses to the underlying query. Its value is expected to a hash
reference whose keys are the columns, operators and placeholders, and the
values are the placeholders' bind value. For example:
WHERE => {'some_column >= ?' => $some_value }
WHERE => { 'some_column >= ?' => $some_value }
would constrain the query to only those objects in the table whose
'some_column' column has a value greater than or equal to $some_value.
......@@ -221,8 +221,9 @@ sub get_history {
sub search {
my ($self, $params) = @_;
if ( $params->{offset} and !$params->{limit} ) {
ThrowCodeError( 'param_required', { param => 'limit', function => ''});
if ( defined($params->{offset}) and !defined($params->{limit}) ) {
{ param => 'limit', function => '' });
$params = _map_fields($params);
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