Commit b60994df authored by's avatar

Fix for bug 71550: watchers now get email based on their own preferences rather…

Fix for bug 71550: watchers now get email based on their own preferences rather than the preferences of the person they are watching. Patch by, r=
parent f9ad3697
......@@ -540,7 +540,7 @@ sub NewProcessOneBug {
if ( !defined(NewProcessOnePerson($person, $count, \@headerlist,
\%values, \%defmailhead,
\%fielddescription, $difftext,
$newcomments, $start, $id, 1))) {
$newcomments, $start, $id))) {
# if a value is not returned, this means that the person
# was not sent mail. add them to the excludedAddresses list.
......@@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ sub NewProcessOneBug {
if ( !defined(NewProcessOnePerson($person, $count, \@headerlist,
\%values, \%defmailhead,
\%fielddescription, $difftext,
$newcomments, $start, $id, 1))) {
$newcomments, $start, $id))) {
# if a value is not returned, this means that the person
# was not sent mail. add them to the excludedAddresses list.
......@@ -724,6 +724,23 @@ sub filterEmailGroup ($$$) {
push @emailList, @{$force{$emailGroup}};
# Check this user for any watchers... doing this here allows them to inhert the
# relationship to the bug of the person they are watching (if the person they
# are watching is an owner, their mail is filtered as if they were the owner).
if (Param("supportwatchers")) {
my @watchers;
foreach my $person(@emailList) {
my $personId = DBname_to_id($person);
SendSQL("SELECT watcher FROM watch WHERE watched = $personId");
my $watcher = FetchSQLData();
if ($watcher) {
push (@watchers, DBID_to_name($watcher));
push(@emailList, @watchers);
foreach my $person (@emailList) {
my $userid;
......@@ -854,9 +871,9 @@ sub filterEmailGroup ($$$) {
return @filteredList;
sub NewProcessOnePerson ($$$$$$$$$$$) {
sub NewProcessOnePerson ($$$$$$$$$$) {
my ($person, $count, $hlRef, $valueRef, $dmhRef, $fdRef, $difftext,
$newcomments, $start, $id, $checkWatchers) = @_;
$newcomments, $start, $id) = @_;
my %values = %$valueRef;
my @headerlist = @$hlRef;
......@@ -873,25 +890,6 @@ sub NewProcessOnePerson ($$$$$$$$$$$) {
my ($userid, $emailnotification, $newemailtech,
$groupset) = (FetchSQLData());
# check for watchers, and recurse if we find any, but tell the
# recursive call not to check for watchers
if (Param("supportwatchers") && $checkWatchers) {
my $personId = DBname_to_id($person);
my $watcherSet = new RelationSet();
$watcherSet->mergeFromDB("SELECT watcher FROM watch WHERE" .
" watched = $personId");
foreach my $watcher ( $watcherSet->toArray() ) {
&NewProcessOnePerson(DBID_to_name($watcher) . Param('emailsuffix'),
$count, \@headerlist, \%values,
\%defmailhead, \%fielddescription, $difftext,
$newcomments, $start, $id, 0);
if (!$newemailtech || !Param('newemailtech')) {
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