Commit be0b080b authored by's avatar

Bug 163494 - needs a switch to include optional modules

Tests now detect optional modules and only exclude optional files if optional module dependencies are not met. Also major indent cleanup r=timeless
parent 35d4b47b
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
# Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): Zach Lipton <>
# Joel Peshkin <>
# Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the
......@@ -34,34 +35,55 @@
package Support::Files;
# exclude_deps is a hash of arrays listing the files to be excluded
# if a module is not available
@additional_files = ('syncshadowdb','processmail');
@exclude_files = ('');
%exclude_deps = (
'XML::Parser' => [''],
# XXX - this file should be rewritten to use File::Find or similar
$file = '*';
@files = (glob($file), glob('Bugzilla/*.pm'));
sub have_pkg {
my ($pkg) = @_;
my ($msg, $vnum, $vstr);
no strict 'refs';
eval { my $p; ($p = $pkg . ".pm") =~ s!::!/!g; require $p; };
return !($@);
@exclude_files = ();
foreach $dep (keys(%exclude_deps)) {
if (!have_pkg($dep)) {
push @exclude_files, @{$exclude_deps{$dep}};
sub isTestingFile {
my ($file) = @_;
my $exclude;
foreach $exclude (@exclude_files) {
my ($file) = @_;
my $exclude;
foreach $exclude (@exclude_files) {
if ($file eq $exclude) { return undef; } # get rid of excluded files.
if ($file =~ /\.cgi$|\.pl$|\.pm$/) {
return 1;
my $additional;
foreach $additional (@additional_files) {
if ($file eq $additional) { return 1; }
return undef;
if ($file =~ /\.cgi$|\.pl$|\.pm$/) {
return 1;
my $additional;
foreach $additional (@additional_files) {
if ($file eq $additional) { return 1; }
return undef;
foreach $currentfile (@files) {
if (isTestingFile($currentfile)) {
if (isTestingFile($currentfile)) {
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