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Commit cd90a321 authored by Max Kanat-Alexander's avatar Max Kanat-Alexander

Bug 574892: [SECURITY] Add EXTRA_REQUIRED_FIELDS to Bugzilla::Object, which

allows specifying that certain fields have validator defaults even if they also have a database default or are in another table. r=LpSolit, a=LpSolit
parent 29d09829
......@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ sub DB_COLUMNS {
use constant REQUIRED_FIELD_MAP => {
bug_id => 'bug',
use constant EXTRA_REQUIRED_FIELDS => qw(data);
use constant UPDATE_COLUMNS => qw(
......@@ -286,6 +286,21 @@ use constant REQUIRED_FIELD_MAP => {
component_id => 'component',
# Target Milestone is here because it has a default that the validator
# creates (product.defaultmilestone) that is different from the database
# default.
# CC is here because it is a separate table, and has a validator-created
# default of the component initialcc.
# QA Contact is allowed to be NULL in the database, so it wouldn't normally
# be caught by _required_create_fields. However, it always has to be validated,
# because it has a default of the component.defaultqacontact.
# Groups are in a separate table, but must always be validated so that
# mandatory groups get set on bugs.
use constant EXTRA_REQUIRED_FIELDS => qw(target_milestone cc qa_contact groups);
sub new {
......@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ use constant DATE_COLUMNS => ();
use constant VALIDATOR_DEPENDENCIES => {};
# XXX At some point, this will be joined with FIELD_MAP.
use constant REQUIRED_FIELD_MAP => {};
use constant EXTRA_REQUIRED_FIELDS => ();
# This allows the JSON-RPC interface to return Bugzilla::Object instances
# as though they were hashes. In the future, this may be modified to return
......@@ -638,6 +639,7 @@ sub _required_create_fields {
push(@required, $field);
push(@required, $class->EXTRA_REQUIRED_FIELDS);
return @required;
......@@ -771,6 +773,40 @@ L</create> arguments. (For example, L<Bugzilla::Bug/create> takes a
C<product> argument, but the column name in the C<bugs> table is
Normally, Bugzilla::Object automatically figures out which fields
are required for L</create>. It then I<always> runs those fields' validators,
even if those fields weren't passed as arguments to L</create>. That way,
any default values or required checks can be done for those fields by
the validators.
L</create> figures out which fields are required by looking for database
columns in the L</DB_TABLE> that are NOT NULL and have no DEFAULT set.
However, there are some fields that this check doesn't work for:
=item *
Fields that have database defaults (or are marked NULL in the database)
but actually have different defaults specified by validators. (For example,
the qa_contact field in the C<bugs> table can be NULL, so it won't be
caught as being required. However, in reality it defaults to the
component's initial_qa_contact.)
=item *
Fields that have defaults that should be set by validators, but are
actually stored in a table different from L</DB_TABLE> (like the "cc"
field for bugs, which defaults to the "initialcc" of the Component, but won't
be caught as a normal required field because it's in a separate table.)
Any field matching the above criteria needs to have its name listed in
this constant. For an example of use, see the code of L<Bugzilla::Bug>.
When L</update> is called, it compares each column in the object to its
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